Rhythm and Pews

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Ealing
Michelle Scott

Sunday 16th August 2020

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Report written by Michelle Scott

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Ealing Abbey are happily welcoming back their congregation post lockdown and are now offering two Sunday Services and so need assistance to ensure a quick turnaround of sanitising the church to enable the services to go ahead.

There were two other volunteers (not Goodgym-ers) who made up our team of three. Armed with sprays and cloths, we set to work blitzing the many pews with sanitiser under the beautiful arches of the abbey.

Now my third week in a row on this mission, I’m feeling the rhythm of pews!

This task supported
Ealing Abbey
a Benedictine monastery in London: making the world a better place
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Muscles against food waste 🤜🍌🗑️ Unload deliveries for South Ealing Community Food Cupboard
🗓Tomorrow 10:30am

Help make surplus food available to anyone and everyone from the local area

Mehmet AzeriBeataElle Haring
3 GoodGymers are going - no space left 😢