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6 Goodgymers helped their local community in Ealing
John Shirley
Anuj Sharma
1 / 33

Sunday 12th May 2024







John Shirley
John Shirley




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Report written by Kash

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Did you know that Jim Marshall, a guitar amp innovator, dubbed "the Father of Loud", worked in Hanwell? Marshall passed away in 2012, but his legacy of loud lives through a non-profit, free one-day festival: the Hanwell Hootie. On Saturday, live music was heard all across the town, from a local park, through a "busking boat", numerous pubs, a church and even a library. Loud in a library? Liberating, isn't it?

The Hanwell Community Library was the first place where six GoodGymers convened the next day after the festival to help with the teardown. Divya, who cycled to the task, beat everyone else to it. Anuj ran from the North-West and the rest of the runners from the East (think Acton junior parkrun).

One GoodGymer was coming from further East than that! John, a guest from Camden, ran from his area to us and, when reaching the library, he totalled nearly 20 km, thanks to a spontaneous decision to do an extra community mission in Ealing! Both John and Steph are training for next week's Hackney Half, so getting to the tasks on foot is a nice motivation booster for them.

Having quickly taken down the hessian that Sevan and Kash had put over the books on Friday, the group walked to Sandy Park where the task owner, June, awaited with a multitude of activities:

  • Taking down four tents
  • Cutting cable ties using various tools
  • Loading vans with boxes and folded gazebos
  • Riding at the back of the van
  • Organising the reusable Hootie-themed pint cups into boxes
  • Pondering whether the soggy, beer-scented cardboard is recyclable
  • Playing a game with the cups that Steph can explain better

The Hootie team supplied us with water and fruit to keep our energy levels up to a good standard in the direct sun and after all the running. June thanked us for our contribution to the Hootie and invited us to a post-Hootie catch-up for volunteers later. The GoodGymers headed towards the Clocktower in Hanwell for some coffee and food, after which some of us were ready for either more tasks, running, cycling or an afternoon nap.

That's where the GoodGym at Hootie 2024 story ends. Hanwell will remain a quiet town until next year. But who knows!

This task supported
Hanwell Hootie
Largest free one day music festival in London

The Hootie is run entirely by volunteers, is non profit and funded by the goodwill of sponsors like Marshall and donations from people like your good selves.

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Muscles against food waste 🤜🍌🗑️ Unload deliveries for South Ealing Community Food Cupboard
🗓Tomorrow 10:30am

Help make surplus food available to anyone and everyone from the local area

Mehmet AzeriBeataElle Haring
3 GoodGymers are going - no space left 😢