Successful spring clean

6 Goodgymers helped their local community in Kingston upon Thames
Emma Crowe
Sabir Babaiy Majdar
Rachel White
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Kingston upon Thames

Saturday 30th March 2024

Emma Crowe
Emma Crowe



Rachel White
Rachel White


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Report written by Emma Crowe

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Great to support Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean today with a litter pick in Canbury Gardens. The sun unexpectedly shone down on six GoodGymers, as we met at the bandstand and armed ourselves with gloves, bin bags (held open in nifty hoops!) and pickers! We were pleased to see the park and tow path along the Thames, remarkably clear of litter - well done park visitors - but were still able to make a difference filling three bin bags with plastic bottles, polystyrene, paint pots and wrappers. Emily, Melissa, Sabir, Gemma, Rachel and Emma can now reward themselves with an Easter egg or two for a job well done!

This task supported
Canbury And Riverside Association (CARA)
Working to protect and enhance our local community
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Kingston upon Thames

Various jobs in Jubilee Square
🗓Saturday 10:00am

Keep this community space looking good

One GoodGymer is going