Tuesday 20th October 2020
Report written by Paul Salman
Seven Good Gym members met at Avenue House Finchley to plog. ( well most of us did). Five of us chatted and warmed up in the old stable yard of the grade two listed house and chatted about our favourite puddings! We then set off on a social distant run picking up our sixth runner Claire who was locking up her bike also called Claire. ( I know its bizarre). So now we were six runners (but still not magnificent) until we ran into Kat . Now we were the magnificent seven and ready to do battle with our trusty pickers. We spent the next thirty minutes clearing the foot path of detritus. This included tins of alcohol, crisp bags and even a hubcap.! ( nice one John) It was a mild and pleasant evening for a targeted stroll. We then deposited our rubbish bags for collection and ran back the 2 km Avenue house for a warm down and stretch. Shout out for Vicki with a last minute sign up. Ivana for coming from Watford. Patricia on her second good deed
Thanks for coming it was fun and we did some good.
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