Too many cooks spoil the cloth

15 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bournemouth
Caprice McWilliams
Daryl Venner
Andrew Collinson
Neil Armstead
Abi Thommes
Charlotte Bourton
Sophie Sandford
Sam Howard
Karen Bourton
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Wednesday 26th February 2020

Daryl Venner
Daryl Venner


Bournemouth runner





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Report written by Bournemouth runner

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With lots of talk of corona virus, flu and other viruses it took its toll on our gang. Quite a few missing out on the run tonight to do good due to being sick! We wish you all a speedy recovery!!!

Despite all the sexy mucus and phlegm 16 of us manged to sty healthy enough to get ourselves outside for a fresh run through the gardens.

We met Andrew at the Square and it was a very long time since the last time we saw him, so it was great to have you along again!! See you next week!

Today was also extra special, because our much loved Pri was making her


(way more really, but according to the website...) good deed!!! What an amazing achievement and what an amazing person too. Always up for anything, happy to help, turns up despite not having slept after a night shift, welcoming to everyone and has been part of GoodGym Bournemouth since the start. 200 good deeds mixed in with coach runs, missions and group runs.


Apart from all that loveliness we had a task to do! And tonight called for helping out one of our favourite people; Paul at Bishop Aldhelm's Primary School! Our run was a little longer today, 4km each way. The way there being up through the gardens along a gentle and steady incline...not really noticeable until you get to the top...and then even more noticeable on the way back when it all seems a little easier!

We dodged the mud at times...other times we didn't realise until it was too late that we'd taken the wrong line...slosh slosh through the puddles and mud we went and now being hardy runners, weren't too phased by it.

We stopped at the road crossing to make sure everyone was ok and to allow the group to gather again. Caprice being our back marker tonight, making sure no one was left behind.

Tonight's task was to help the school do a deep clean of their cookery classroom. So wit gloves on and each person manned with a cloth and cleaning products the gang set about cleaning all the cupboards, trays, doors, sinks, fridges and taps. In 30 minutes the place looked spotless and again Paul was so grateful and impressed y how much we can get done in such a short amount of time. Well done gang! Brilliant work as always!!!

With the place looking clean as a whistle at that was left was to take some creative photos to celebrate Caprice's achievement.

Paul volunteering to climb up some monkey bars to make sure we had a great angle! And we managed to get some great ones!!

All that was left was to gather ourselves, say our good-byes and start the 4km jog back to base. This time along the more lit route, but also more suspicious smelling...

Once back we stretched and chatted about upcoming runs and then headed home for some well deserved dinner!

Thank you to Phil for taking lots of photos, and again Caprice for back marking on her special evening.

See you all next week for the quiz night! Thank you Daryl for preparing that for us!

Byeeeeeeee make sure you top up on Vitamin C, ginger and garlic to keep the germs away!!!

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Quiz @ Abbeyfield Retirement Home. The March Edition
🗓Monday 10th March 6:15pm

Good fun with good friends

Caprice McWilliamsEleanor KingMohammed MschrgegeMilly Corden-lloydSophie CuffJames Taberner
6 GoodGymers are going