Wednesday 13th October 2021
Report written by Redbridge runner
Everyone arrived on time, congregating inside in the warmth of the Greenleaf Road church (still very chuffed we have this wonderful base to use)! We were lucky again with a lovely starry evening, crisp and dry!
We started off with a warm up in the carpark, doing dynamic stretches to get our bodies warmed up and ready for what's to come:
Hills, Hills, Hills
It all started off gently enough jogging up to Forest Rd and then someone (coughs Matthew had an idea to run up a particularly steep road and we went for it! It was quite a mountain but everyone did a fantastic job persevering jogging and walking up and it felt amazing at the top (one might say just like climbing Everest, totally the same... :))! Yes it might've taken only a minute but the heart rate was up and running and there are some thoughts of hill training in the future!
Getting busy trimming bushes at St Peter-in-the-Forest
Lots was done at the session. Here's what we got up to:
Celebrating Clara's 50th with muffins!
We took a gentler route back, finishing up with the nice stretch down and then celebrated Clara's 50th good deed with some banana and coffee muffins!
St Peter's-in-the-Forest is the parish church for the north-eastern corner of Walthamstow, London E17
See moreWaltham Forest
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