Friday 9th April 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Jo Kitching
Louisa, Susan, Harry and Jo took over the late afternoon shift at the clinic. Louisa had the shortest time in a role when she was given the hand sanitiser role and was promptly withdrawn when the role was already filled. She soon took a role in the waiting room with clipboard and felt under pressure when patients needed to wait and she had to keep a check of who was next. Harry was in the waiting room assisting and wiping down the chairs after the patients had left and then assisted with guiding them back through the waiting room towards the end of the clinic. Susan took up the temperature role and checked all patients as they entered the clinic. Jo was assigned a new 'buddy' role where this was to go around all the volunteers and check that they were okay, needed a break, wanted a cuppa or anything else. The role also involved getting anything out of store if we had run out of paper, hand sanitiser etc.