Tuesday 21st March 2023
Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)
What a joy to be back at Redcliffe's gardening club where they've had an on-site course to build HUGE raised beds and to be back with Marky and Sarah plus the amazing Doreen.
It started dry and almost bright before becoming somewhat darker and definitely rainier as we wheeled the barrows and tools to the bags of topsoil delivered earlier and took on the challenge of getting it down to the raised beds.
With specialists established in filling barrows, running with barrows, emptying barrows and raking out contents we were a slick operation. Or maybe just slick from the rain.
As the first planter neared its limit, not-quite-so-full dumpy sacks were transferred from ground to Marky's dolly yo be sped to Planter 2 and hefted over the three-plank side for Doreen to rake the contents.
Before we knew it (not true) we had three dumpy sacks emptied (into the planters, not just randomly tipped out) and it was time to head back (the short way) via Faithspace to drop off the tools and partake of a lovely cup of squash and a biscuit then on to Workout for a drink and dry out a bit.
Great to be back!
It enables local people to garden the beds and to enhance an area with planting , including two higher level beds for older and disabled gardeners.
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