Wednesday 14th March 2018
Report written by David Chatterjee
8 runners ran 9km to Broomfield Hospital and the sunken garden
It's getting lighter as Spring/Summer (hopefully) begin to arrive, so we were very keen to see all of our hard work to date at Broomfield in the fading evening light. It was great to see Richard E after his running hiatus. After a selfie, which for artistic reasons is definitely deliberately upside-down, we set off at a rapid pace. With some high-knees, skipping and sprints between the bollards we made it to Broomfield in record time, at almost 6 minute/km pace.
We met Barbara and Catherine at the Garden and began to dig in. We were able to ever so slightly see our work a little bit easier now it is mid-March. The guys at the hospital have done a great job so far and it won't be long before we start planting. We split into groups to weed, hoe, dig, shovel and fling mud around. Catherine had a whale of a time forming the sticky mud into turd shaped pieces and reminiscing about #PooWatch. We said goodbye and set off back to base. Still full of beans, we did some interval sprints on route and warmed down.
Next week we've got a little bit of a shorter run to InterAct and don't forget our Pub Quiz social at the Golden Fleece on Thursday 29th March from 7pm. Happy running!
Broomfield Hospital is the main Hospital in Chelmsford.
See moreChelmsford
Refreshing the skirting boards in the back hall