Wednesday 18th August 2021
Report written by Tav (he/him)
Colchester GG is five years old. Seems like a long time, right? Well in around AD 917 the Saxons drove out the vikings out of Colchester and eventually built the Trinity Church! It is Colchester's oldest standing building and it is the only surviving Saxon building which has an arrowhead (triangle arches) doorway in the tower and features re-used Roman bricks.
Anyway, Helen organised a great task with Pam and Jan (Colchester in Bloom) to de-weed and trim back the graveyard. This patch of green is surrounded with a library and shops a bit like an oasis. The churchyard contains the burial place of William Gilberd, discoverer of electro-magneticism and Physician to Queen Elizabeth I too!! The difference we made was obvious and huge...bravo! Pam said the team did around 5 hours work in 50 minutes.
Mission Colchester in Bloom: our mission is to generate community involvement in making Colchester a more beautiful place to live and wor. A blooming Colchester will creates that feel good factor which will contribute towards social and economic vitality.
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