Monday 31st January 2022
Report written by JULIA GLEESON
Wonderful Worthing
What a fantastic achievement we had in our little town! 65 good deeds done ( our target was 52) and a whopping 2868 km covered from our huge target of 3075km. We may be small but we re MIGHTY ! Well done everyone and especially for putting in a huge push to the finish in the last 7 days.
This evening we returned to Byron to finish what we started 2 weeks ago. With a little more space to move in and lots of willing helpers we got stuck straight into the task. JohnBelindaSue and Barbara had all walked to the task with Lucy andDuncan having run from Field Place and Rosalind and Natacha having run from their end of town.
Thank goodness Paul was on hand to shape and cut back the shrubs and also deliver some valuable pruning advice to me !
An hour later and we called it a night. With all the extra effort in the previous 7 days I let the team off the fitness session plus they all had to walk/run home too !
I'm very proud of our little gang In Worthing and all that we achieve every week, month, year.
Well done everyone and see you next Monday at Worthing Leisure Centre.
Julia xx
A 15 bed complex and enduring needs service of high support accommodation. All residents have their own room. There are 2 distinct environments within the service. The main house consists of 9 units with shared communal living, lounge, dining area, kitchen, shared bathroom and toilets. In March 2016 we opened the annex, 6 self-contained units added to the rear of the building with an interconnecting door. This allows us to not only match approach but also the environment itself to the needs of clients. An holistic approach is used, and residents will work in partnership with their key worker, the whole staff team, specialist interventions and local agencies on a personalised route out of homelessness. It is expected that clients are willing to make healthy life changes and to engage positively with the service.
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