A new broom sweeps clean(ref US elections)

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Norwich
Ian Gostling
Mark Webber
Stephen Reed
Elizabeth H
Andrew Ralph
Darren Watkins
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Monday 2nd November 2020

Andrew Ralph
Andrew Ralph


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Report written by Andrew Ralph

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The build up to this task seemed to raise a few challenges as we had been asked to being our own tools so part of the mission was to transport your chosen equipment to the venue safely. I would like to apologise for not knowing the name of the lady who hosted us for this task. This important oversight did not detract how wonderfully we swept the leaves from the carpark, pulled up weeds from cracks in the pavement and cleaned the outside of the windows!! One of our Goodgymers found his way to a Hamlet centre on the other side of the city after his phone battery ran out en route to the task( your determination to attend has not gone unrecognised) The joy of Goodgym is how clearing up leaves on a cold dark Monday evening can be so enjoyable! Will miss these missions during lockdown.

This task supported

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Elizabeth H

Tue 3rd Nov 2020 at 7:17pm

Great report Andy, we all enjoyed our last task for hopefully no more than 4 weeks. Keep safe all Goodgymers

Join us on our next session


Catton Parkrun 400th Volunteering
🗓Tomorrow 8:30am

Improve everyone’s wellbeing and fitness

Elizabeth H
One GoodGymer is going