Sunday 11th June 2023
Report written by Sevan
9 GoodGymers turned out on a beautiful sunny morning to volunteer at Acton Junior parkrun. Joanna, as the Race Director, was really pleased to see us.
Divya, Harvey and Madhan went to find their marshal posts. Meanwhile Kash, Florian, Alan and Sevan went to watch the warm up and pick up some tips.
Alan and Sevan as timekeepers started their timers when the children set off. With Florian who was handing out finish tokens and Kash who was barcode scanning, they then headed to the funnel.
In a little over 8 minutes, the first runner crossed the finish line. There were 60 people that crossed in total, including Chikako as VI Guide who finished with her daughter. We almost had one more finisher, except that one young boy decided to stop just before the funnel and refused to go any further.
When tallying the results, we found that there was one more finish token given out than Alan and Sevan had recorded times for. After some head scratching and discussions, we still didn't know how it had happened, so Joanna has the fun task of reconciling the final results.
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services