Friday 15th January 2021
Report written by Steven Hitcham
When Elizabeth put a message on the WhatsApp group saying there was ‘lots of knockers’ I thought she’d ended up in the red light district... she meant door knockers 😂
Mel and Sam paired up to deliver the #FineCityNeighbours postcards on one side of Earlham Road while Elizabeth and Andy did the other side of Earlham Road.
It was a cold one but at least it was done before the snow came along.
We’ve still got plenty to deliver so join us one evening
Fine City Neighbours is a campaign to inspire Norwich residents to build relationships with their neighbours. The aim is to help build informal neighbourhood groups during the pandemic and celebrate those that came about during the last lockdown and those that existed beforehand. This is a project about deepening the fabric of social solidarity for the COVID recovery and beyond. We are producing a website and a postcard to be delivered to houses across the city. The materials we produce will provide advice, guidance and inspiration for street level community building as well as links to more direct support. Fine City Neighbours is about building relationships with people before you need them and they need you.
See more