Wednesday 24th November 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Anwen Greenaway
Our Wednesday shift at the food bank was a little bit different this week. A shortage of delivery drivers meant that most of the food parcels went out on the van round before we got there, leaving us just 6 Emergency Parcels to prepare and a handful to finish up from the regular delivery list. This gave us a bit more time than usual to train up new parcel-packers, which was very helpful.
Rachael turned up laden with a food donation from the parents of another GoodGymer, which we added to a parcel going to someone we know is struggling to get enough to eat at the moment. We then worked our way through the packing lists, delivered 2 food parcels locally, and did restocking and reorganising of the hall shelves and kitchen.
Rachael and Anna got some early festive spirit going sorting through Christmas gift donations, categorising them by age of recipient and making an inventory. Let the Christmas madness commence!