Wednesday 3rd May 2023
Report written by Tav (he/him)
Tonight we made a dent on Colchester's litter problem around Abbey Fields. It was a fresh, breezy evening and we needed to keep moving to keep the chill out!
There are no real winners with a game Litter Bingo and the usual suspects were found - plastic dog mess bags, crisp packets and food packaging. Usually there is an odd or weird find. This time an Egg-timer, a kids medicine syringe and a toy gun!
We finished at the kids playground with three bags full...another great job by the fab five (and I) and a lovely reward awaited. We used the litter picking equipment to do a few 'drills' and sprints. Mega!
Enjoy Stars Wars day and have a great weekend!
Thu 4th May 2023 at 10:16pm
Oh yes, what a title! A fun evening, thanks.
Sat 6th May 2023 at 4:31pm
Paint it.
Help support nature by taking part in the big garden birdwatch.