Thursday 7th September 2023
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Portsmouth runner
It was a hot one today, although it was a little bit cooler in the Church with all the doors open. It was also a very busy Foodbank, but we were well prepared with plenty of crates already made up. After a quick group chat from Liz (one of the team leaders), Richard, Mel and Rob were out back stock rotating and sorting through the food delivery from yesterday. We'd run out of cans of beans though, so we were utilising the cans of beans and sausage instead, and managed to satisfy requirements. Katie and Pat were out front getting ready to give out the crates, log weights, direct people to swap table and giving out bags for packing. All of us were checking between store room and front desk so that we could make up additional crates as needed. It was another lovely atmosphere with people able to get hot or cold refreshments and cakes, checking out the clothing, school uniform and using the food swap table.