Monday 14th June 2021
Report written by JULIA GLEESON
On a beautiful Monday evening, a smaller than anticipated, group met up at one of our favourite task venues, Kamelia Kids.
it was great to feel.the warmth both in the usual welcome from Andy together with the June weather.
it was so nice to go back to complete the jobs we started this time last year and last month.
We have now nearly completed the 2nd and 3rd coats of the brick red paint together with treating the wood on the climbing frame.
Naughty Barbara was responsibly put in charge of taking photos but unfortunately they are not appropriate for social media! 🤣 so knowing how she hates being the centre of any photo I managed to snap her and put her centre stage on the report!
Kamelia Kids Day Nursery supports a number of pre-school children with a wide range of complex needs (long term medical and life limiting conditions) and those with social, educational and additional needs.
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