
Group run

Talk about pop(py) music.

7 GoodGymers made their way 6.0km to help the St Jude's Primary School in Portsmouth.

  • Katie Carew-Robinson
  • Rachel Cutler
  • Tony Hewett
  • Jo Kitching
  • Angela Chick
  • Rosie Sayers
  • Judy Knapp
Wednesday, 28th of November 2018
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

This run report could also be subtitled:

Manic at the Disco...

We had a few late cancellations tonight due to ill health, getting stuck at work and traffic so we were a small but select bunch who ran to St Jude's School to help out with an indoor task. Thanks to Angela and her new waterproof, we somehow managed to miss the worst of the weather and although our run was blustery, it was mostly dry! Please bring your new waterproof every week.

When we arrived at the school, we were taken into the school hall where there were 2 nets of Remembrance poppies which had been made by the pupils of the school in their own version of the "Poppy Wave". These were to be hung in the school hall and in a stairwell.

This task involved ladders so it wasn't for the faint hearted! Also height was an advantage...

In the school hall we were treated to a school disco mix tape with songs from the 80s and 90s to keep us entertained during the task. Those who weren't up a ladder, hammering, holding netting or reattaching poppies kept themselves entertained using the skipping ropes - encouraged by the Head who had stayed behind to supervise us!

We learnt tonight:

  • Angela used to belong to a skipping club and shares a birthday with one of the Backstreet Boys
  • Rosie was a massive BB fan back in the day and still knows some of the dance moves. Backstreet's Back ALRIGHT!
  • Hit me baby one more time is 20 years old (whaaaaaat?!)
  • Jo used to sing karaoke every Wednesday when she lived in London
  • Judy is ladder safety trained, she's been on a course and everything. This was especially useful this evening except at the point when she "couldn't get it up"!
  • Rachel is not a fan of heights - or ladders over stairwells.

An educational night in many ways!

Our next 3 runs will all have a festive theme so please feel free to go Christmas crazy - it will be December after all. Next week and the 19th are both walkable too.

Other dates of note: 6/12 lantern parade, 15/12 social get together - no running required, 19/12 post-run bring and share party, 31/12 training session to end the year.

See you all next week :)

Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson

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Katie Carew-Robinson
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

Run Leader for GoodGym Portsmouth. Health & fitness coach, student, runner, outdoors lover & cinnamon bun enthusiast.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Tony Hewett

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Staunton Farm Fun!

Wednesday 17:50 - 19:35
Led by Jen Stoneham
Front Lawn Community Hub

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