Wednesday 19th August 2020
Report written by Woking runner
Adam, James, Wayne, Claud and Anne met at the RSPCA in Chobham with the task of clearing the edges of the dog’s agility compound.
Claud distributed the various head shears, secateurs and rakes and off we went. Luckily the rain had eased off, as it was hot work… In one hour we managed to fill up two of the enormous bags and tidy half the area. We were sorry to hear that James suffers from a shoulder injury. James and Wayne were supposed to take part in a Brutal Race on Saturday; unfortunately it was cancelled at the last minute (they must have known James was injured and could not have run faster than Wayne.)
Claud’s son (Anthony who ran with us on several occasion prior to Covid19) is expecting his GCSEs results tomorrow; best wishes Anthony and Claud.
Next week we will meet at Brockhill Care Home to varnish some garden furniture.
Happy running to everyone!
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