Monday 1st March 2021
Report written by Emily
It was a chilly one this evening! The weekend's warm weather was well and truly gone as Brad, Andy and I delivered some of the first postcards in the Silver Triangle area. We met Steve outside the popular Whalebone pub, longing for it to be open again!
We covered just over 5km of NR3, with Brad and Andy seeming to deliver the most postcards, maybe due to the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers!
Fine City Neighbours is a campaign to inspire Norwich residents to build relationships with their neighbours. The aim is to help build informal neighbourhood groups during the pandemic and celebrate those that came about during the last lockdown and those that existed beforehand. This is a project about deepening the fabric of social solidarity for the COVID recovery and beyond. We are producing a website and a postcard to be delivered to houses across the city. The materials we produce will provide advice, guidance and inspiration for street level community building as well as links to more direct support. Fine City Neighbours is about building relationships with people before you need them and they need you.
See moreTue 2nd Mar 2021 at 12:03am
Tue 2nd Mar 2021 at 11:01am
Well done team!