Building Futures East

Building Futures East are an educational and community development charity based in the East End of Newcastle.
Building Futures East are soon to launch the Stitch Sisters Academy through their East End Women project. Stitch Sisters will offer training, education and support to women across Newcastle who are looking to learn practical skills for personal development and employment. Women will be offered a package of support including English and Maths tutoring, domestic abuse recovery and a range of social activities to reduce social isolation.

25 GoodGymers have supported Building Futures East with 12 tasks.

Top supporters
Anji Andrews
Anji Andrews (she/her)
Newcastle runner
Aimee (she/her)
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Removed User (she/her)
Newcastle runner

Previous sessions
NewcastleGroup run
Anji AndrewsDamuScott McDonaldMax

Poster Boys (and girl)

Monday 2nd September

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

It was the return of the leaflets tonight after a couple of weeks of doing other stuff. While digital media keeps on doing its thing you can’t ignore the value of the leaflet and tonight four GoodGymers set out in Byker to share the news of a bumper calendar of activities at Building Futures East for East End Women. The organisation was so happy about this one that they even gave us a mention on BBC radio Newcastle last week.

It was a male-heavy session tonight and I found myself outnumbered but definitely here for the girl power. I shared my dubious map-planning skills as the only walker, and the boys trooped off to run to a point in Byker and get cracking before meeting me (walking) there. Damu led the run for his 99th good deed and did it like a trooper despite a rubbish cold. He’s certainly earned those wings!

We had 250 leaflets and flyers to post tonight and with the maze-like streets ahead of us thanked the inventor of WhatsApp location share to make sure we met back up somewhere in the middle. Anyone who’s done a Byker drop knows it can get a little bit confusing.

Within just ten minutes I’d posted out my stash of leaflets and keen to help the boys I sent my request and found they were almost done too. I don’t know why after so many years of GoodGym I continue to underestimate the speed of our leaflet skills. Wandering back to the meeting point a member of the public kindly asked me if I was ok- I must have looked a bit lost! It’s moments of simple human kindness that I really love and I was really grateful for her checking.

Meeting back up it was time for the fitness session and return of the ladders. It’s been ages since I cracked the ladders out and it was as fun as ever seeing everyone display their ability and balance skills and give it a real go.

This Saturday we are celebrating a superb task owner in our Urban Green Newcastle task at St Lawrence Park. There will be cake! Come and say thanks to a legend as he retires and do good stuff at the same time. You can sign up here.

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NewcastleGroup run
Anji AndrewsTanya JohnsonDebbie EnglishPaulaBeth Paxton

Bowled over

Monday 26th August

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

I was bowled over ;) tonight to get three big bags of donations from a small and perfectly formed bank holiday group, and also left tonight somehow convinced lawn bowls may be my new sport… that’s another story.

We did a donation drive for our friends at East End Women foodbank tonight (these will be dropped off later in the week, thank you) and combined that with a 4k run or walk around the quayside on a beautiful bank holiday night. The quayside was bustling and motivation was high, and we finished up at The Ship Inn for a social to end the bank holiday weekend. Despite the time pressure of mine and Tanya’s need to be back for Love Is Blind Reunion episode at 9pm, we had a lovely bonding catch up and the time flew!

If anyone is interested in organising future socials like tonight let me know and I’ll show you how to list them on the website, we really should make more of having such lovely places on our doorstep.

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NewcastleGroup run
Anji Andrews

The Heat is (not) On

Monday 25th March

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

It was our last “normal” Monday session for a couple of weeks due to the Easter holidays bringing a bit of disruption and yet this wasn’t exactly a normal one in the truest sense. First of all it was a short one- partly due to only having 50 leaflets left to deliver and partly due to utterly awful weather conditions. (Come on, Spring, hurry along now, there’s a good season!). It rained relentlessly and was freezing tonight leading to my Heaton/temperature related pun.

In the absence of a run leader we gathered for a walking session tonight and caught up on the weekend’s community missions. I was dying to know whether Lucy’s Mum was available to commission birthday cakes for the upcoming GG Newcastle sixth birthday next month as her cake creations at yesterday’s big Urban Green Century celebration looked divine! The answer was, thankfully, yes. Woop.

Thankfully the first part of this route is all up hill which helped to get the blood pumping and keep us warm as we headed into Heaton for the final part of the leaflet drive we’ve done for our friends at East End Women.

I’m not joking when I say this was one of the quickest tasks ever with leaflets completed in about 4 minutes, leaving us plenty of time to have a proper life catch up and forget about the rain, a great start to the week.

If leaflets are your thing, or if dogs are your thing, or if combining both is your thing, then get involved with another flyer session this Thursday where so far only Louise is spreading the word for Guide Dogs in Benton. Please help if you can!

Keep an eye on session listings over the next few weeks and read them carefully, there’s lots going on but sometimes with unusual days and meeting points! Hope to see you soon.

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NewcastleGroup run
Anji AndrewsAimee

The Flyers Club

Monday 18th March

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

It’s been a glorious day in Newcastle today with the feeling that spring has finally sprung, and with a sprung spring in our steps, four of us headed out this evening on a group session to support our friends at East End Women. While most of the work we’ve done with this amazing charity is to support their foodbank, they also host a variety of brilliant classes and sessions at their Walker base, and tonight we were flyering to let Heaton residents know about what’s on offer. It was also FINALLY a chance to see Lucy sporting the golden wings after hitting her 100th good deed a few sessions back- and my subsequent regular forgetting to bring the wings along. We salute you (again) on your 100th time of being awesome.

While I’m suffering with an ongoing dodgy ankle, Louise and Aimee ran up the hill to Heaton and Lucy and I met at our frequent meeting point Heaton Perk. Side note: I’d love to actually go there when it’s open! We’d made light work of this task a few months back so I also brought along some litter pickers so we could get tidying at the same time. We caught up on life lately (and the new Pepsi logo) and I thought about how good leafleting sessions are for not only step counts but also the opportunity to keep in touch with each other in this way. Before long we’d posted all 100 leaflets and got cracking with the litter picking.

As it was a small group tonight there was no opportunity for a huge game so we did a quick round of Copy Cats and practised some fancy (and not so fancy) footwork in a short drills and strides fitness session.

Big thanks again to Louise for stepping in to run lead this evening.

There’s a daytime session on Thursday this week as we help to launch the Tiny Forest in Bensham if you’re around to help it looks like a lovely session! If not, there are loads of other opportunities to do good stuff coming. Hope to see you soon.

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NewcastleGroup run
Anna Cuninghame

Big wheel keep on turning, GoodGym keeps on delivering

Monday 19th February

Written by Newcastle runner

Tonight was part two of our leaflet delivery task for East End Women - a fantastic charity which is part of the bigger Building Futures East Charity. East End Women provide an amazing range of activities, workshops and seminars, designed to empower women in the East End of Newcastle. Our task was to help spread the word about what's on offer.

Aimee and Adam chose to run the mile from our Stepney Bank Stables base to Byker while Anna and I chose to walk, having already got our running in! The leaflet delivery was speedy and uneventful. We did spy, though, the bright lights of a funfair with a Big Wheel lighting up the quayside! Maybe go and check it out!

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NewcastleGroup run
Anji AndrewsAimeeDamuZoe KolarovaSeb GethinThomas Mather

Litter-ally flyering through the good deeds

Monday 12th February

Written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

It’s the first Monday evening session in absolutely ages where I’ve left my house in daylight.. whisper it… Spring is coming!

Six GoodGymers and only 100 leaflets - the reverse of last week’s session where we felt we had too many leaflets for people attending and we ran out of time! Confident we’d smash this task very quickly I added an extra ask to it- could we also fill two bags of litter, one before the start of flyering and one after? Spoiler alert- of course we could!

Our brilliant friends at Building Futures East which many GoodGymers will know is the home of East End Women Foodbank, had asked us to do some leaflet dropping in two areas: Heaton tonight and Byker next week. The organisation is struggling to spread the word of the amazing work they do via daily workshops at the BFE base in Newcastle. With so much on offer we want to help them to boost the numbers and we are always happy to help.

The majority of the group were running tonight, Seb leading the way and back-marked by brilliant Zoe who we were happy to see back for her second GoodGym session with us tonight. It’s all uphill to Heaton but we all arrived at exactly the same time - and yes, a bag of litter had been collected along the way.

We made very quick work of the flyer distribution, leaving time for another bag of litter to be collected and Adam to receive high praise from some passing locals. Always nice getting real- life kudos! Everyone then joined in with a cardio-blasting fitness session which combined a relay of sprints and a highly competitive pairs game of the game I call leg-tappies. This was a great, fun, high energy way to end a satisfying task and a brilliant way to start the week.

I’d love to get some more names on the register for our Tiny Forest planting session this Wednesday as we start a love story with EarthWatch this Valentine’s Day! Pop along if you can.

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