Manorfield Primary School

101 GoodGymers have supported Manorfield Primary School with 73 tasks.

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NewhamGroup run
RosieHilaryDan BenwellIvoPaul CornickDimple


Wednesday 4th October 2023

Written by Brahma Pochee

The one where Dan signed up, Charlotte didn't, we missed Sharon, but welcomed Ivo. Was a really decent eve in E15, a chat about "your favourite gadgets?" pumped out some good material; cherry de-stoner, time machines, bespoke made Charlotte-friendly dating app, good coffee machine, shower-docked indestructible alarm clock and something to do with an automated refill mechanism for fridge water. We. Had. It. All.

Great to nip back down the canal, to a place we used to frequent monthly, it's now been circa four years since I've been there, that's mad. Anyway, Paul, the ex head teacher left some trusty disciples to instruct us. The old furniture moving session, we've done it a few times before, never gets easier though, I hope all your shins are radiant and unmarked today. Classical music fluttered through the halls as we worked over-time to finish the job, on a task where you're relieved to get good numbers. Well done for putting in a shift all.

Before I sign off - a massive doff of the cap for the weekend heroics; a hatrick of community missions and a Parkrun! All the best to the Bournemouth bunch, look forward to discussing the race/party report next week. Go hard! We're at Abbey Gardens next, sign up here and get stuck in.

*Title courtesy of CM

Till then,


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NewhamGroup run
Brahma PocheeRuth AustinRosaHilarySharonKevin Prince

Seven Go To Bark Chip Heaven

Wednesday 6th October 2021

Written by Brahma Pochee

That's two Wednesdays in a row now, where simply stunning sunsets have greeted us at our base. Maybe better than last week yesterday, as some almost edible pinks and peaches stretched through the sky above. Not long now until we're meeting in the dark, lets savour these sumptuous days.

We skipped the warm up this week, I wouldn't normally capitulate so easily, but then again, when you run 26.2 or 16 miles, you get to call some shots. We headed straight off to Manorfield, chatting away on route. This week's RWQ, well there was two actually, "what's your proudest sporting achievement?" turned out to be mostly last weekend's runs, as one would expect. Also threw in "if someone had a gun to your head and made you get a tattoo, what would you get?" Poppy, Canadian Maple Leaf and "I'd let them choose, because I'm too indecisive" were some of the answers.

Was a warm nostalgia getting back to Manorfield, I haven't been there since Jan '20. We caught up with the convivial caretaker, Andy. Then set about our task; filling up a few ballasts, then scattering wood chip around the garden. I think we were working for circa forty minutes, but we managed to do loads. Put down three whole tonne bags of wood chip, that's a fair amount, also wrapped up the ballasts in no time.

As I said, it's fantastic that we're back there now, I'm going to try and lock in a few more session this year with Paul. Next week we go to the young person's nature charity, Get Out, over in Newham Hamlets, as it's been coined. Sign up here for midweek fun.

Before I sign off, just want to say how impressed I am with all the long runs this weekend. When I first met some of you, I think you would've scoffed at the idea of running so long. What a remarkable transformation over the last few years, to now be able to run for 3 or 4 hours, that requires superb physical endurance, sure, but mentally; the grit and perseverance, the ability to withstand discomfort to reach your goal, that's not an easily picked up skill. It's been a real pleasure to witness that transition. Now book your next goal in - Hampstead Heath Parkrun, anyone?

Till next week


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NewhamCommunity mission
Paula Cancelas YanezPaul CornickRosaHilaryBeckySimon Hempenstall

Happy ever Planter

Wednesday 28th April 2021

Written by Rosa

Today 6 runners from both GoodGym Newham and Tower Hamlets headed back to Manorfield Primary School for our second community mission there in April. This week we were continuing the work started earlier in the month, with one team dismantling a second planter at the front of the school and carefully uprooting a tree so that it can be replanted in future. Meanwhile Paul and Paula tackled more of the donated water pallets ready for collection by local community partners. Several wheelbarrow trips later, and with the help of a vast range of tools kindly sourced by Lorraine at the school, we successfully shifted soil, planter planks, compost waste, water bottles and trees to their respective destinations around the school grounds. Good work team and hopefully we’ll be back for more Manorfield tasks very soon!

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NewhamCommunity mission
Paul CornickRosaSimon HempenstallHelenBeckySiobhan FreelHilary

Planter School Club

Wednesday 14th April 2021

Written by Hilary (she/her)

Wednesday evening saw a very welcome return to GoodGym Newham's favourite primary school, Manorfield, which is actually in Tower Hamlets. Hello to Simon on your first visit here, first of many we hope.

We were last at Manorfield in Community Mission formation back at the beginning of October 2020, and although we've helped out with a couple of delivery type tasks since then, it was great to return to a familiar de-constructive gardening type activity. Specifically, headteacher Paul had instructed us to de-construct a planter that was beginning to disintegrate, ideally saving the tree that had been growing in it. So, Becky, Simon, Rosa, Paul and I set about taking it apart, transferring soil into a wheelbarrow so it could be taken through to the bigger garden at the back. We managed to get that done, only time will tell if the tree survives...

Elsewhere, Helen and Siobhan were getting a good workout in by moving crates of flavoured water. Over the pandemic, the school has been heavily involved in getting food out to the local community, either through it's own foodbank, acting as a hub for others as well as meal deliveries. So it wasn't a surprise that they'd recently received a large donation to disperse, and this evening's task was to move them from their original location to where they could be more easily handed out.

We'll be back again on 28th April to tackle the other planter and maybe even do some sanding if time allows, so looking forward to that, hope to see you folks again there if not before.

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NewhamCommunity mission
HilaryEmdad RahmanCharlotte PriceRosa

Manorfield Primary food pack drops to isolating families!

Friday 18th December 2020

Written by Emdad Rahman

It’s been wet, drizzly, cold, but our super team delivered 67 food parcels to the homes of 5 self-isolating Manorfield Primary School classes on the last day of term!

Manorfield Primary School was amongst my first batch of schools twenty years ago.

Poverty is still rife amongst the student population. The neighbourhood may be undergoing massive regeneration but the socio-economic divide is plain and clear.

The school sits in the middle of Canary Wharf and Aberfeldy Village. Children have dreams to live and work in both locations, to rise up and grasp the opportunities on offer.

I’ve been fortunate to see a few make it thanks to their schools and support groups like GoodGym watching their back.

I know the hunger to succeed is far greater and there will be a few amongst the recipients today who will do us proud in the future.

Well done team!

#goodgym #thewanderinglondoner

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NewhamCommunity mission
HelenRosaHilarySharonJoAlex Murtough

Ballast In Wonderland

Wednesday 7th October 2020

Written by Brahma Pochee

A sizeable bunch of us ran over to a local school yesterday and basically saved children's lives. One of the few positives of this global pandemic is that we've had different areas crossing 'borders', all the way to little old Newham. Tower Hamlets, Greenwich, Redbridge and Walthamstow just to name a few over the months. I'm not sure if this silver lining is appreciated on an International level, but I shall take it, and run, of course.

Hils and I, did the aerobic two-step down from our spiritual home to the school. Getting straight into the task after some introductions and high calibre chit-chat. Filling sandbags was the game: ballasting (feels like a verb) them to fences which cordon off classes into micro 'bubbles', limiting contact with other kids. Hence why I allude to saving lives, it's not necessary to state all the ways that we potentially did this, just take my word for it. Heroes you are.

There was never a predefined weight to fill the sandbags to, not an exact measure, nor a rough description eg 'heavy', 'really heavy', 'really really heavy'. We just did what was right for the sandbag, let it reach its natural potential at that moment in time, or so I had thought. I figured this was a 'to feel' activity. I was sternly corrected. Merely by sight, my sandbag was deemed lightweight, ineffective and just not up to the job, a public shaming ensued and a sleepless night. To be fair, I'm out of practise. However, even with the dud-bag, we got the job done, some heavy-duty bags ensured of that. Firmly anchoring down fences, embedded into the playground forever more. Nice work, team!

On a serious note, loved seeing you all, a dose of the old normal that I hugely miss. A pleasure to meet the lovely new folks, spreading their GoodGym wings from other boroughs. And a sentimental happiness in seeing all you Newham stalwarts, even if we didn't get to chat as much I would have liked.

We'll be back at the playground next month, sign up here.

Till next time


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