14 GoodGymers have supported Portsmouth Tortoise Rescue with 2 tasks.
Wednesday 20th March 2024
Written by Jen Stoneham
Our second trip to the Tortoise Rescue allowed us to see how last week's paint job turned out after doing most of the session in the dark! Second coats were added this evening, with some detailed inspections and touch-ups from this evening's Captain Detail - Louisa.
Samantha, Ellie and Lucy were our poster girls for this evening, painting the enclosures in the front garden area for all the local residents to see.
Another evening of super efficient GoodGyming meant we even had time to paint the turtle enclosure and fill the Leopard Tortoise enclosure with soil ready for them to come out of hibernation!
Wednesday 13th March 2024
Written by Jen Stoneham
This evening we got to put not only our decorating skills to the test, but also push our muscles to the limit!
Everyone got stuck in to giving all the tortoise enclosures a lick of paint, before a splinter group helped list a massive tortoise shed on to a platform. Bernice, the task owner, thought she was going to need to hang out a local gyms to find some muscle men to help, but with a bit of logic, physics, and good old fashioned GG willpower, our little team succeeded!
We'll be back next week and hopefully more of the tortoises will be waking up to see us!