St. Dyfrig & St. Samson Church

37 GoodGymers have supported St. Dyfrig & St. Samson Church with 11 tasks.

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Previous sessions
CardiffGroup run
Martin GraffDelyth HorleAndrew SkeltonJen VeluSophie HastingsEmily Cotterill

Rescue......Plan B

Tuesday 14th May

Written by Michael

A good turn out for our Tuesday task, but the numbers don't matter to the weather. But first, we welcome two new people to our group tonight for their first task.


Our task organiser messaged to say that they thought the rain would hinder our original task, and so a last minute change was required.....


We ran to a different location, a shorter route than planned but with plenty of jobs to keep us occupied. We had a LOT of weeds to remove, front and back of the building, a very LARGE T.V stand to put together for the biggest TV that I have ever seen.

We split into three groups, front group got to work weeding around the edge of the lot to tidy up and just make the Church look that little bit better, and then removed the grass from the front 'garden' to make room for more planting later on. The second group were inside, busy putting together the heavy duty stand, lots of head scratching and plan reading going on there.......The final group went straight to the back to tidy up there, it occasionally gets rented as a car park when there are large events in Cardiff, a nice way for them to make some extra funds.

Next week looks to be an amazing task, get signed up if you're not already -------> HERE

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CardiffGroup run
Imy HopkinsAndrew SkeltonMartin GraffLlion WigleySu Fernandez

U Leaf't me Up

Tuesday 30th January

Written by Michael

A nice turn out for our last group activity for the January Challenge....

We had them all tonight, runners, walkers and cyclists. Oh, how active we've been in Cardiff, well done team. Meeting at our usual place, we split into our groups and made our way to the task. We all made good time, meaning we could get to volunteering faster. Our task, to tidy up all of the leaves, and there were a lot that had also been there all Winter - pungent is probably the word to use.

Gloves all around tonight, very necessary - separating the trash into recycling bags and then the leaves into red bags, we got to work. Martin went over to sweep a different area with the help of Ben and Lucy collecting, Llion tidying up around a parked car whilst the rest of the group tackled the mound of leaves by the back door.

The odd worm or two were found enjoying themselves in the heap, doing what they do.

Learning TIME

  • There are 31 species of earthworm known to occur in natural environments within the British Isles, though only 29 species are known to occur in Great Britain.
  • Earthworms have been called ‘ecosystem engineers’.
  • Earthworms play an important role in breaking down dead organic matter in a process known as decomposition. Decomposition releases nutrients locked up in dead plants and animals and makes them available for use by living plants.
  • Earthworms are also responsible for mixing soil layers and incorporating organic matter into the soil.
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CardiffGroup run
Jonathan BlackwellSophie HastingsDylanSu FernandezAdam HammondFiona Guy

Take me to Church

Tuesday 26th September 2023

Written by Michael

A great turn out tonight, as 17 goodgymers took to the streets to get active a do some good.

Our last visit to this Church, at least for this year, so it was lovely to see so many of us there. A somewhat awkward start as our organiser was stuck in traffic but that just gave us time to get social and have a chat.

Lets not forget some welcomes......


Chloe on their first goodgym visit, great meeting you and see you back again soon. Jake back for their second task.

There was plenty to chat about as we have the Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday, expect some goodgym cheers out on the course.

Michael received a call from the organiser, and just like that we could get started - after being told where to get the tools from. It wasn't much longer until they arrived, and we were early to the task anyway!

  • Task 1 - Cut down the hebe some more, trip back the plants growing over the curb and a general weeding of the front.
  • Task 2 - Clean inside one of the community spaces and help to put up dado rail type thing.
  • Task 3 - Clean out the back of the Church.

Everyone got to work to get as much done as possible, the front of the building looked beautiful and tidy, the rail was up in the hall and a good chunk of the back was weed free.

Thanks to all for coming tonight.

Get signed up for next week when you can.

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CardiffGroup run
Emma WilkinsEmily CotterillDylanDylan StockerNatashaLlion Wigley

Hebe Hebe Hebe Hebe! Do ya do ya do ya do ya

Tuesday 22nd August 2023

Written by Michael

We ran and walked to help with one of our local groups, they needed some help pruning the large bushes and the get to work with the pressure washer at the front of the building. We arrived a little earlier than planned, but still waiting on some of the group. Will everyone make it? Is it going to be a day of tardy marks???

First, we got the larger group to work on the Hebe, a fantastic plant easy to maintain and great for wildlife - why not get yourself one?

Learning Time

  • There are 25 popular types of hebes which can be grown in the UK.
  • These neat and colourful evergreen shrubs are ideal for a sunny border, providing summer flowers and year-round foliage.
  • Compact types work well in containers or as border edgings.
  • Larger types can be grown as hedging.
  • The flowers are attractive to bees and other pollinators.

Most of the group were tasked with cutting the mammoth bush right back, this would help to promote new growth and give it back the full bush look. Bin after bin after bin were filled by the group, as the plant started to shrink in size.

Meanwhile........Emily had taken the task of pressure washing, oh the fun. Michael went over to see how they were getting on but wait....that's not much of as jet! They were testing the pressure, and this certainly wasn't 'Goodgym and the Jets'.

Nozzle after nozzle after nozzle removed and a different replaced, how many nozzles does a machine need?

Finally, the correct combination found, and the pressure washer was at its best, blasting the grime off the floor and walls. As the floor was cleaned and the 'muck' was aimed at the drain we discovered that it wasn't emptying quite right, and so Julian to the rescue, as he put his arm in a dragged out the gloop. Somewhat reminiscent of a vet....

Join us next week for more fun making a the Diff-erence.

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CardiffGroup run
Andrew SkeltonDylan StockerMartin GraffDylanLlion WigleyEmily Cotterill

“All These Things That I’ve Done” - The (weed) Killers

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Written by Michael

The weather was on the side of goodgym Cardiff tonight, still sunny with a nice light breeze. It was all a bit special too, the exact date that we started 6 years ago - it's our anniversary / birthday - whatever you want to call it, it's SPECIAL

To mark the occasion, we had a new start location with a great Welsh name - Daffodil.

Learning Time

The Romans are known to have planted narcissus in memory of loved ones or comrades fallen in battle. It’s likely they brought daffodils to Britain from the Iberian Peninsula, predominantly Spain and Portugal, where the largest variety of daffodil species are found.

Not just a simple task tonight, but instead we were splitting into two groups to help two separate places at the same time.

Back to help clear at St. Dyfrig & St. Samson Church, weeding like machines were Michael, Karolina, Natasha, Dylan and Dylan. Karolina rode on her bike as Michael ran - like something out of Rocky.

Task number two was helping at Lansdowne Primary School, a slightly longer run led by Darren. Fiona and Marie cleared bushes and weeds and tidied up the garden area. Some of the trees were blocking the entrance. Darren and Emily painted the walls around the mud kitchen.

Andrew, Imy and Adam painted a playhouse in the playground. Llion and Martin moved storage units around and painted.

Once we were all finished, it was time to head back to continue the celebrations into the evening and look back fondly on the six years,

7133 good deeds by 504 runners, walkers & cyclists,

237 missions to help older people,

690 visits to an older person.

It may be hard sometimes to juggle work and life, but this makes it all worthwhile in my eyes - each and every one of you that has taken part are so VERY SPECIAL and deserve all the praise.


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CardiffGroup run
MichaelNadineEstelleMichelle BaconGemma Bowen

Bottoms UP

Tuesday 21st February 2023

Written by Michael

Tonight's task was all about rubber bottoms, have I got your attention?

Five goodgymers managed to escape the half term duties and were ready to get active and do some good in Cardiff.


Our newest member joined us for their first time tonight, and we are extremely happy to have you. Welcome, Gemma, we hope that you enjoy the task. We also welcomed back for their second time, Nadine, good to see you back again. They joined Michael and made their way out for a short run to the task, whilst Michelle and Estelle were our cyclists joining us there for the 7pm start.

Legs in the air

What? We met Julian, our task organiser at the Church building and the Vicar Edward who told us all about his recent 15-mile run - what a legend.

Our task was to put new protectors on the tables and chairs in the hall - or the better explanation, new rubber bottoms on all the legs. And, we would have to work around the race night event that was being set up.

Quick as a flash we got to work in the smaller space so that we could get out of the way for the event to start, thankfully there weren't too many chairs & tables to do in the first room. As we made our way into the main hall it dawned on us, we had 90 chairs to do - that's 360 legs!

Oh my!

The quickest way seemed to be laying them on the floor, legs in the air so that Julian and Michael could quickly remove the old worn-down feet ready for the new rubber bottoms. We soon scuttled along the floor, rubber bottoms bouncing all around. As the legs were done, the chairs were flipped back onto all fours and neatly stacked along the walls of the hall.

Soon we were done, and it was time to make our way back to Sport Wales to finish off our run, at least for the runners. The cyclists made their way home, all lit up as we said our farewells.

Next week sees us helping at the local foodbank, there are multiple options for this on the website, have a look and get signed up. Any questions just ask the Area Activator at the bottom of the sign up page.

Check out the sign up page for more information - Here

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