Block or report Andreea Anastasiu
Saturday 22nd January 2022
Andreea Anastasiu earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.
Andreea completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Andreea was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.
Saturday 22nd January 2022
Andreea Anastasiu has done their first good deed with GoodGym.
Andreea is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.
Sat 22nd Jan 2022 at 2:00pm
Oxford Report written by Anwen Greenaway
The return of the Lazy Dogs!
Yesterday afternoon we descended on Boundary Brook Nature Park for a bramble up-rooting session. Boundary Brook is a gorgeous hidden corner of Oxford between the Iffley and Cowley Roads. We've helped out there pretty regularly over the last year or so, laying the gravel path, clearing bramble roots in other areas of the nature reserve, and reprofiling the pond. On Saturday afternoon our task was to prepare the ground for the next project; to build a temporary bird hide from green wood taken from around the nature reserve (a hidden spot for humans to observe birds from, not somewhere for birds to hide out). The hide will go up in the spring, but first the area needed to be de-brambled. The bird hide will be tucked on the edge of a copse with a grassland butterfly meadow in front. The brambles had been chopped down, but as regular GoodGymers will know, the roots can be extensive, and brambles are tenacious and will keep returning unless the roots are dug out.
The tool of choice for bramble roots is the Lazy Dog; expertly modelled in the photos by GoodGym Hero Rachael. 2 lazy dogs between 15 doesn't go far, so spades and forks were also added to the mix and we got to work digging out the knarly roots from all over the meadow, frog spotting as we went.
Team 2 took on the heavy lifting task of moving the green wood from around other parts of the Nature Reserve to the spot where the Bird Hide will be built. 2 or 3 GoodGymers to a log we meandered to and fro along 'our' gravel path getting a surprisingly good weight lifting work out. Anyone else got slightly sore shoulders this morning?!
Swipe through the pictures to see the Bird Hide design. It will be a self-supporting structure made from mostly Ash wood from the Nature Park, with a turf roof and viewing windows at different levels so that everyone from toddlers to the tallest adults can use it to observe the birds.
You can join Oxford Urban Wildlife Group for £5 per year and have unlimited access to Boundary Brook Nature Park. All the details are here.
As discussed while carrying logs: follow @OxThamesSewage on Twitter for alerts when sewage is being released into the Thames.
Wed 20th Feb 2019 at 6:00pm