Carla Magdalani


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Carla Magdalani
Carla Magdalani went on a community mission

Fri 2nd Dec 2022 at 6:30pm

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Bromley Report written by Cat

Six GoodGymers got into the Christmas spirit by putting up and decorating Christmas trees at St Christopher's Hospice.

We met the lovely Rebecca (and the St Christopher's cat!) at reception and were taken up to the hospice chapel to decorate our first tree. Kate quickly took on the role of Art Director, planning themes for each tree, while Alison stepped up to the challenge of untangling various decorations, including a REALLY long chain of beads (see photos). Meanwhile, Hannah and Vic put up the first tree as Carla, Rebecca, Kate and I sorted through the decorations. It wouldn't be a Good Gym task without a bit of make do and mend and Rebecca and Carla came up with some ingenious paperclip-based solutions to ensure that even the broken baubles could be attached to the tree. The end result was a snazzy blue and silver number complete with silver icicles... brrrilliant!

We then took the remaining decorations over to the CARE centre where we set to work constructing and decorating our second tree, spurred on by mince pies and Christmas tunes provided by Rebecca. We went for a very classy red, gold AND silver theme this time (because MORE IS MORE when it comes to Christmas tree decorating), then wrapped up with a group photo in front of our creation. Nice work team!

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Mark Gilyead

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Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Sun 4th Dec 2022 at 6:58pm

Ha. This is a great report! Sounds like you did a great job with some dodgy decorations...!

Bromley runner

Mon 5th Dec 2022 at 10:17am

I just wanted to say that I loved the real GoodGym attitude to the broken decorations and know that both staff, patients and community members will be able to enjoy the trees. I’ve had a few emails about the trees already this morning saying they look lovely and your help is much appreciated!


Tue 6th Dec 2022 at 8:04pm

This was such a fun task and I'm glad the trees have been approved of!

Carla Magdalani
Carla Magdalani signed up to a community mission.

Fri 2nd Dec 2022 at 6:30pm

Putting up and decorating Christmas Trees!

A last minute task to help out St Christopher's Hospice

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Carla Magdalani
Carla Magdalani went on a community mission

Sun 27th Nov 2022 at 10:00am

A shower couldn't stop our power hour at the tower!

Bromley Report written by Bromley runner

On a very wet Sunday morning we were again visiting the water tower to continue the mammoth task of clearing the base of all weeds, roots and soil. Despite the weather we had 4 Goodgymers ready to go, with two doing their first ever Goodgym mission, a big welcome to Patricia and Sami!

We all met outside and kitted up with shovels, clippers and buckets and headed in to the tower. We jumped straight in to some soil clearing making great progress ripping up the earth and roots in big carpet like rolls. All in all we must have cleared out around 10 buckets of soil, not bad for an hour's work!

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HannahMark Gilyead
Carla Magdalani
Carla Magdalani signed up to a community mission.

Sat 26th Nov 2022 at 8:45am

Setting up for Maple Road Market

Help make Penge a bit more peng by setting up for our local independent market

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Carla Magdalani
Carla Magdalani signed up to a community mission.

Sun 27th Nov 2022 at 10:00am

Power hour at the tower!

Help clear the tower so it can be opened to the public

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