

Good Deeds

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Hat Doffer
GoodGym Runner


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Bumface been cheered 10 times. 😎

Monday 10th July 2017

Hat Doffer

Hat Doffer

Bumface been cheered 10 times.

Goodgymers have noticed what Bumface has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Bumface.

Lizzie KershawLeanneMelissa Jordan

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Mon 10th Jul 2017 at 11:14pm

I'm such a dick

Bumface connected Twitter. 🥇

Monday 10th July 2017



Bumface connected Twitter.

Bumface has connected up their twitter account to GoodGym. Find them on twitter at: www.twitter.com/Stephens

Lizzie KershawMelissa JordanLeanne
Gillybean went on a group run

Mon 10th Jul 2017 at 6:00pm

A whole new ball game

Worthing Report written by JULIA GLEESON

GoodGym winged runner arrives on the South Coast

On a sunny and blustery evening in Costa del Worthing we were delighted to welcome Debs from Bristol who wore her much sought after 50 task, black t shirt. She confided in us that she also has a 100 task winged version that is kept tucked away for extra special occasions. I can't wait to see one of these!

Massive GG cheer to you lovely lady for your fun and dedication supporting us today, and Brighton on their launch tomorrow.We hope you enjoyed your GG south coast experience notching up some more good deeds to your ever expanding portfolio.

Victorious in Victoria Park

After an extended relaxed warm up run my elite team arrived in one of our local community parks where we returned to the site of our first ever GG task known as the 'Winter garden' Since we last visited in March this area has developed a wild side and needed a lot of taming this evening. Our friendly park ranger Duncan was there to guide and support us with our task.

It was lovely to have Belinda back this evening with her smile and energy and getting right into the heart of the task getting covered in debris too. Special mention to Gill too who is carrying a niggly ankle injury but still turned out this evening.

As ever, the amount of work achieved in such a short amount of time was truly miraculous .You all had your wings on this evening.

Try try try again Rafa

As a fun fitness session we introduced a rugby ball into the mix this evening. With it came running, sprinting,jumping and passing drills led by head coach Nick .Watch this space as a new breed of British Lionesses' may have been made tonight!

Should I mention that for some this was the first time they had held this strange shaped ball ? Nooo way !

Queen of the multi tasking was Beth with a wonderful synergy of rugby, running,taking photos and providing live updates on the progress of the one and only Mr Nadal, Sadly for Beth but happily for Murray and Muller fans it was the wrong result but wait ! Weren't we all taught that its not the winning its the taking part that counts !?

Seas The Day

It would have been rude not to have shown Debs our lovely view of the sea and pier on the way back to base so after a scenic coastal route we finished up with tricep dips ,stretches , updates and farewells.

Thank you for another very happy Monday you wonderful people.

A massive GoodGym Worthing heart coated cheer to you all

Julia X

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Beth Nelson

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Bristol runner

Tue 11th Jul 2017 at 7:23am

I can't express what a total pleasure it was to join you. Thank you so much for such a warm and sunny welcome to Worthing, not only a great run but great fun too. GoodGym Worthing you are so worth it !!! ** Deb's top tip for July - If you haven't visited GG Worthing yet, you're missing out.**

Belinda Robinson

Wed 12th Jul 2017 at 1:53am

Brilliant to meet you Deb & as a result of your encouragement I have signed up to this week's run in Colchester....

Beth Nelson

Wed 12th Jul 2017 at 11:48pm

Was great to meet and spend two GG evenings with you Debs, glad you enjoyed your time down here! Hope you had a good run in Colchester Belinda, my mate goes there and has said they're very lovely and welcoming. And Julia "Weren't we all taught that its not the winning its the taking part that counts !?" - haha nope, NEVER!! Especially not when Rafa is involved!

Bumface has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 😎

Monday 22nd May 2017

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Bumface has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Bumface is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Bev AghahoseiniEJ (Emily Jane) Calladine
Alaya Khatun
Alaya Khatun went on a group run

Mon 22nd May 2017 at 6:00pm

Plant my Beech Up

York Report written by York runner

An amazing group of 23 GG Yorkies headed to West Bank Park to do some digging and planting.

It was a hot evening but despite that, we welcomed 4 new runners to the gang. Give Katie, Claire, Kay and Nicole a lovely big cheer.

With Maddy as our back marker, we headed the fun way around the back of the train station and over the bridge that has lots of steps. It was beautiful running down through West Bank Park and we arrived at the secret garden to be greeted by Cath and Vicki. Our task was to plant a selection of trees and honeysuckle which has been donated by Urban Buzz - a local organisation who work to enhance green spaces for the benefit of pollinators.

With 25 minutes on the clock, the madness began. There was just one rule:

Do not fall in the pond - Coach Egg, GoodGym Trainer

We were joined by a few locals and even some youngsters who wanted to get involved with a bit of do-gooding. The ground was hard so digging holes to plant the trees was a decent workout. Poor Alex dug over the same bit for about 15 minutes before realising it was actually mostly concrete. Ashleigh and Heather double-teamed the wooden archway and planted four honeysuckle plants whilst everyone else was busy digging, composting, weeding and watering.

Where's my beeches? - Vicki

We finished the whole task and nobody fell in the pond, hooray!

Leaving a beautifully dug over area full of new trees and a few wheelbarrows of weeds, we headed over to the circle of trees for a special fitness game called, Cones of Joy. It was a paired relay challenge with an exercise at every cone, including:

  • squats
  • mountain climbers
  • side lunges
  • burpees
  • invisible hula hooping
  • crab kicks
  • pretend ladder climbing

..and more.

Then everyone slumped in a big sweaty heap and Cath kindly rewarded us with biscuits of recovery. There were still a few left when we were getting ready to run back, so new runner Nicole showed us all how it is done and chugged them down no problem.

Remember we have loads of extra good deeds happening over the weekend so have a look at all the events and get involved!

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Bev AghahoseiniDarrenEJ (Emily Jane) Calladine