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Sat 3rd Sep 2022 at 10:00am
Bromley Report written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)
In preparation for 'Paws in the Park', a celebration of pooches put on by the Friends of Cator and Alexandra Parks, we had a lovely morning in the sunshine trimming back some bushes!
Gimhani and I met at the Bridge House for a relaxed run down to Cator Park, where we met Hannah and Tony as well as our hosts for the morning, the lovely Milly and Lou!
After a quick briefing about why we were doing what we were doing, we cracked on, equipped with secateurs and shears, snipping off bramble branches and giving the bushes a trim. It was pretty toasty work in the sun and we ended up with a pretty sizeable pile of branches.
Tony was having such a good time and proving to be such a neat bush trimmer that he stayed a little longer!
Nice one guys! 🐶🐾
Sun 4th Sep 2022 at 6:41pm
Not such a paw attempt at a pun after all! Thanks Mark : )
Sat 3rd Sep 2022 at 10:00am
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