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Joe has done their first good deed with GoodGym. 🎉

Monday 5th February 2018

GoodGym Runner

GoodGym Runner

Joe has done their first good deed with GoodGym.

Joe is a now a fully fledged GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the first time. They are out there making amazing things happen and getting fit at the same time.

Carl Wain
Ian PaulLeanne
Joe went on a group run

Mon 5th Feb 2018 at 6:00pm

Insane with the Membrane

York Report written by York runner

A group of 28 GG Yorkies ran to Foxwood to tackle a task at the Community Centre.

First of all we welcomed along three new runners to the gang, so let's give some cheers to Ian, Max and Jo.

We also celebrated Mel's 50th good deed and presented her with the Cape of Good Deeds to adorn for the evening.

New runner Ian was very local to our task location so he and Paul took on the lead out duty as we ran up and over the very muddy Hob Moor. We warmed up our wet feet with a few jumping squats and lunges before running to Foxwood Community Centre along the cycle path.

Back in the summer, a group had run here to clear bushes and scrub from the back of the Community Centre - this task was to finish the rest of the plan which involved:

  • Raking off the sticks, leaves and debris
  • Leveling the muddy surface to make it as flat as possible
  • Covering the long strip with a weed-guarding membrane
  • Stapling the membrane down
  • Covering the whole area with bark

The strip was long and fairly narrow with one gate at the end - so it was very busy with everyone squeezed in there to begin with as we put as much debris in the green bin as we could. Once that was all gone, most people came out so the hoeing and raking team could get the soil nice and even.

Next up, team membrane set to work neatly measuring the stapling the membrane perfectly over the soil. Apart from Tim who should never be allowed near a knife. During this period, the majority of the group didn't have much to be getting on with so we completed a courtyard fitness session with all sorts of exercises such as speed steps and overhead spade presses.

With the membrane laid perfectly, it was all hands on deck as bark was shoveled into the two wheelbarrows. Two weren't enough though, so we grabbed any receptacle we could find to fill with bark. People were filling up buckets, bins and traffic cones of varying sizes.

I've had bigger 99s than that! - Paul

Down at the end of the strip, Mel was busy posing with her cape, which is a very important part of any task. She was certainly keeping the rakers motivated.

No less than 35 minutes after we arrived, the whole task was complete and we ran the long way home - avoiding all that mud on the moor.

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Bev Aghahoseini
Joe signed up to a group run.

Mon 5th Feb 2018 at 6:00pm

Run to help the Foxwood Residents Association

Laying a membrane and topping with bark

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Joe signed up to a group run.

Mon 18th Sep 2017 at 6:00pm

Sean CoxheadLeanne