0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
Thursday 14th December 2017
Victoria been Mission Verified.
Congratulations to Victoria who is now Mission Verified. They're now ready to start running GoodGym missions to help older people and running alone to community mission. Give Victoria a cheer to kickstart their mission running career.
Sun 8th Oct 2017 at 8:00am
York Report written by York runner
GoodGym York took on the first water station of the Yorkshire Marathon and 10 Mile Race.
It was a fabulously fun morning as we unscrewed thousands of bottle tops and practised our 'lunge pass' to hand bottles of water to runners.
With over 7000 runners in the marathon and over 4000 in the 10 mile race, it was a pretty manic few hours but the GoodGym team (assisted by a few GG Sheffs!) were a slick operation.
Once all the runners were past us, it was a quick clean-up operation before a few of us ran across town to cheer everyone in at the bottom of that sneaky last climb.
Sun 8th Oct 2017 at 8:00am
Mon 17th Jul 2017 at 6:00pm
Worthing Report written by JULIA GLEESON
Keeping the sunny in Sunny Worthing
Tonight we headed back to St Barnabas to tidy up the flower beds and prune the trees in the car park which are difficult to reach within business hours.
After a hot warm up run to the task, my trusty regular team armed with tools set to work on the task. Nick opted for the high road, Gill and Belinda the low road whilst Beth got lost in the middle somewhere. Can you spot her in the 'Find the Beth photo?!'
Roses are red , violets are blue,hospice loves helpers and GoodGym does too!
With the work rate faster than the speed of light we hardly had time to make a wish before it was time to clear up and take the steamy run back to our 'one night only' base at Worthing Leisure Centre.
Its a RUNderful life
A quick flick around the track as a warm down and it was another fond farewell from the GoodGym team.