A good deed done but now we're in ABSolute heaven* (or hell!**)

27 Goodgymers helped their local community in Norwich
Steven Hitcham
Bill Edmonds
Jasmine Stone
Robert Organ
Catherine D
Michelle Eves
Simon English
Elizabeth H
Calum Harris
Sandra Emerson
Liz Kerr
Stephen Reed
Sam Ismail-Epps
Richard Beastall
Kerry Acheson
Chris Chung
1 / 18

Monday 22nd October 2018

Steven Hitcham
Steven Hitcham







Bill Edmonds
Bill Edmonds


Norwich runner


Sam Ismail-Epps
Sam Ismail-Epps


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Katy

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So this is the first full group run report I'm having a go at writing - with Hitch sitting at my elbow watching me like a hawk and prodding me when I get bits wrong!

Our scheduled task got cancelled but Oxfam saved the day by coming up with a great task for us to get stuck in to. Having had a refurb recently with new flooring, the Oxfam shop was in need of a really good dust and hoovering.

Tonight we welcomed a new runner Chris. We also had some good deed milestones with Sam completing her 25th and both Robert and Len hitting their half centuries - goodness 50 good deeds each is really impressive! We also had some race successes over the weekend with Mish, Robert and Rosie T all getting 10k PBs! After a stiff warm up on the Forum steps (someone remarked that Hitch had clearly had a bad day to put us through that) we headed off to Oxfam where Emma greeted us with an action plan to help organise our task. We were therefore able to get stuck in and down to the hard work straightaway. We split into 4 groups working in each corner of the shop - with Hitch checking on our ability to hunt out the fluff and seeing which handbags he preferred. After 40 minutes we made our way back to the Forum - going via the Walk to do a sprint race. A few of us foolishly thought that was the fitness bit of the evening sorted but little did we know just what a bad day Hitch had clearly had as he then got really mean back at the Forum. Box jumps, bear crawls and sprints to City Hall steps followed by 4 minutes of tabata (as Hitch said, this is what it's like when you arrive in Hell...) A few red faces later and we almost forgave him when he remembered the Quality Street hiding in his rucksack. Next week we'll be making the City clean by having a litter pick.

** we'll leave you to work out which one was Hitch's and which one was Katy's verdict...

This task supported
Oxfam - Magdalen Street
Working together to help end poverty

Oxfam on Magdalen Street sorts kind donations from the public and sells them in our large charity shop! We take everything: books, clothes, homewares, music, DVDs, accessories and much more! All of the money raised goes to Oxfam to help them in their crucial work in ending poverty and injustice. Our shop is closing down for 3 weeks from 28th July for essential maintenance work to be carried out. This will involve taking absolutely EVERYTHING off of the huge shop floor (stock and shelves!) and taking it into storage in the backrooms of the shop. We rely entirely on volunteers and we anticipate this being a huge job, so any help that we can get on either Saturday 28th July or Sunday 29th July from GoodGym will be much appreciated!!! Everything has to be cleared by the end of Sunday 29th to allow builders access from first thing Monday 30th July!

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Catton Parkrun 400th Volunteering
🗓Tomorrow 8:30am

Improve everyone’s wellbeing and fitness

Elizabeth H
One GoodGymer is going