Wednesday 27th April 2022
Report written by Anwen Greenaway
Scythes! Spades! Log carrying!
Last night was our first task of the year at Aston's Eyot, and it did not disappoint: There were nettles to scythe and rake, the pond edge to reprofile, and lots of logs to carry over to the pond edge to build a hibernaculum for reptiles to hibernate in.
The pond is a new feature on Aston's Eyot. As it was dug the soil was piled up around the edges and now needed smoothing into a gentler slope. An artistic quartet got to work shovelling and sculpting - with an architect in the group surely the landscaping will be exemplary?!
Meanwhile the rest of the gang ventured into the woodland area and flexed their muscles carrying logs from woods to pond edge to form a pile which will hopefully be an attractive habitat for reptiles to snooze the winter away.
And finally....the scythes were back in action. Happy to report no loss of limbs from over enthusiastic wielding of sharp blades (woo hoo!) and a whole load of nettles were chopped down, which will hopefully allow a bit of breathing/growing space for a wider variety of plants.
Great work team!
Welcome to GoodGym Julian and Laurie - lovely to meet you both.