Suns out, secateurs in hand... LETS BLEEPING DO THIS!

17 Goodgymers helped their local community in Chelmsford
James Connolly
Laurie Chatterjee
Rachel McK
Richard England
Rich Walker
James Gallifant
Fay Downing
Catherine Offord
Paul Fisk
Joseph Sahin
Andy Holmes
Hannah Warren
Adam Hellard
David Chatterjee
1 / 14

Wednesday 22nd May 2019

Rich Walker
Rich Walker


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Report written by Rich Walker

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WOW, that got hot quick!! Safe to say summer is finally here, I think.

Before I start in want to say a huge congratulations on all that did the Baddow 10mile run on Sunday. A fun day out on a tough course with a lovely medal to remind yourself of a job well done.

Tonight, we went back to Brian’s house to trim the hedge outside his window that had overgrown. For those who don’t know, Brian isn’t able to get out and tend to his garden so with help from us we can cut back the hedge and other plants that had started to overgrow and block his window.

With a quick head count we were off from the ARU gym lead by the ever reliable Laurie heading towards Brains house through the streets of Chelmsford. After about 1km it felt like someone had just turned the temperature up and it was mid-august already.

We arrived at Brian’s to find the wonderful David there waiting for us with the garden equipment and had kindly set up a bleep test course for our fitness activity. Thank you, David.

Splitting into 2 groups half got to work on the hedge while the other half began the bleep test.

I had downloaded an app on my phone that would beep to signal the time it took to complete the 20 metres before turning back. After working out it was not going to be loud enough I just resorted to just shouting BEEP as it beeped. All was going perfectly until the app froze and then I had to just guess when it would beep. My apologies for this, I will be writing a strongly worded email to the developers. After the first group had finished, we switch so the hedge trimmers became the bleepers and the bleepers became the hedge trimmers (only this time the app didn’t freeze).

With everyone feeling like they had pushed themselves and a lot of the hedge being clear to allow the glorious sun into Brian’s house, we packed up and set off on a slightly longer route back to base to enjoy the nice warm weather.

A nice stretch off and a chat about next week social which will be at the Golden Fleece pub quiz on Thursday.

Thanks for coming tonight guys, it maybe only be clearing some vegetation away from a window but imagine the impact it will have on Brian. To have more light coming inside now that days are longer and warmer would definitely make me happier. So on behalf of Brian, THANK YOU and hope I’ll see some of you at Parkrun this Saturday.

Until then

Run Happy


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Leaflet Drop!
🗓Wednesday 12th March 6:30pm

Letting the local community know about initiatives in their area

Sallyann JeffreyFay DowningOsaze OmoanreghanAndy Holmes
4 GoodGymers are going