Don't Go Raking My Grass

26 Goodgymers helped their local community in Lambeth
Sophie H
William Dyer
John Hunter
Mark Gilyead
George Clarkson
Dawn Gibson
Lucy Ranson
Alice Clerkin
Freyja Winterson
Michael Welsh
Alex Watkins
Nicky Woodall
Emily Prescott
Philip Woodall
Tim Brown
Anthony Regan
Alina Diba-Mauritzon
Louisa Perry
1 / 12

Tuesday 2nd July 2019

John Hunter
John Hunter


Mark Gilyead
Mark Gilyead


George Clarkson
George Clarkson


Alice Clerkin
Alice Clerkin


Nicky Woodall
Nicky Woodall


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

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Massive welcome to Celia, Tim and Marina for joining us for their first GoodGym run. Ace to have you guys along!

Tonight we had two run options to two of our regular tasks; The Portico Gallery and Ruskin Park Community Garden.

Half of us took a leisurely 2k jog to Ruskin Park, where Justin and Huseyin greeted us and armed us with equipment to help with a few jobs:

  • De-weeding a bed of lettuce and onions 🌱

  • Sawing/breaking branches into firewood 🌲

  • Raking up a load of grass cuttings 🌾


We cracked on, switching up who was doing each task but Michael staying strong on the sawing throughout! And today’s task was an absolute treat with most of us taking home some onions and lettuce from the vegetable patch!


Once we were done, Freya treated us to one of her Drama games in the park - a game of jumping tag but where you can only jump when the person(s) who are ‘it’ jump. Obviously in full GoodGym-style we added a mean muscle testing twist - remaining in a squat position the whole time.

It was a fun one and definitely a serious thigh burner! 🔥

Nicky led the other half of the group up the hill to the Portico Gallery where John had a few simple jobs of some table stacking, tarpaulin folding and rubbish removal which everyone got done in time for a fitness sesh in Brockwell Park! Thanks to our John for leading that 👌

Awesome work everyone!

Next week we’ve got another couple of tasks: creating a human conveyor belt for some bags of soil with Urban Growth or you can stick around and (hopefully!) paint the bench at PAPA’s Park. Sign up here.

This task supported
Portico Gallery
A creative hub in West Norwood

The Portico Gallery is a sprawling space that offers everything from yoga to art and pottery classes as well as running monthly music nights and the famous Feast market. The space supports many community groups, including those on low incomes, asylum seekers and other vulnerable people.

See more

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Taking in and Sorting donations for Get Rid Of & Donate - Can You Help ?!!
🗓Sunday 23rd February 2:00pm

Clothes will go to refugees, rough sleepers and vulnerable families

Rachel Strachan
One GoodGymer is going