Tuesday 6th August 2019
Report written by Paul Salman
Fifteen keen goodgym runners gathered at the Phoenix cinema to help The Bothy Garden and Terapia. We numbered up and debated our favourite ice cream. (Mint chocolate won!) We said hello to new runner Sophie and congratulated Sarah for 50 good deeds and Fay with 100. Phenomenal! We warmed up with a gentle jog, lead out by Damian through the back streets of east Finchley and back marked by Laura. On route we gathered for some paired exercises and a sprint up a short incline to develop speed and endurance. Eventually we met up with Alison in the park who explained our various tasks. We split into groups for litter picking, chair stacking and most importantly raking the wood chip in the children’s play ground. Over the years the wood chip had got compacted and was proving to be a less effective surface for cushioning falls off the apparatus. By doing this we would help mitigate injuries. When we had finished we headed down to the front lawn for a quick game of stuck in the mud. (fitness version) We then ran up another small incline in the park before doing some now traditional yogic breathing. The rain held off and we got back for some stretches and Barnet treats from Sarah…Thank you!
Thank you all for coming doing good ….and doing good! Hope to see you for our third birthday next week.
Improving the environment and getting fit