Wednesday 18th August 2021
Report written by Gillybean
Got to the task early this evening and glimpsed Duncan sprinting round the track, may get Graham to chase him next week!!!!
Another fabulously productive evening, helped enormously by the pumping music of the spin classes. So much to do still, and plans already for our next session.
This evening Duncan, Graham and myself cut back mountains of vine that had over hung the green house, while Ricky chopped and bagged it up, we then cleared the area at the side of the green house. Next weeks tasks:- Sand down the lovely memorial bench Cut a border out along fence in prep for flowers. Continue to re build the horseshoe beds. More cutting back of silver birch. And anything else I can think of. Thanks again for everyones super hard work, who needs to go to the gym!!! Ps can anyone spot the hidden Duncan???
Local community leisure centres run by a charitable trust
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Helping with our community flowerbeds