Tuesday 21st September 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Michael
A great return to times gone by with 20 goodgymers joining for tonight's Tuesday session.
Welcome back to Siki for your second group activity, great to see you back with us again.
First timers, Hayley, Jamie and Hannah welcome to your first group run with goodgym Cardiff and the Vale.
A shorter run tonight meant only one thing, time to insert an exercise routine... YES I hear you cry. We bid farewell to the walk / joggers and made our way to the park to start a quick routine, the music began and so did the pain, but it felt good. All of a sudden the time had flown by and we realised we had to make our way to the task, so off we went.
By 19:00 we had all arrived at Samye ready to get going with a list of tasks, we had a white board made up instructing us for the evening.
It was a good job we had 20 of us tonight, so we split into our groups and got to work.
Straight to work were team 'crocosmia', ripping out the plants and bunching them for anyone that wanted to take some home. Whilst a beautiful plant when they flower, they can soon take over a plot by spreading, I will be putting them into planters ready for next year.
Next to get in were the painters, grabbing rollers, trays and paint they made their way into the building to start the transformation. The colours were bright and very Tibetan Buddhist, the room will look wonderful once finished.
Weeding teams got to work at the front and back of the building, getting the paving looking tidy once more and making the whole centre much more welcoming.
Lorraine took up the team to open up the attic and talk them through what needed to be removed, whilst I went over to the final few to start moving the brilliant Buddha water feature. It was by no means a small thing, with the pedestal being made of concrete slabs and blocks, once the attic team had finished they joined up to help move the Buddha and rebuild within our time.
Lorraine was a wonderful host tonight and made up some snacks, so it was time to clear up and take some time to chat, laugh and eat. However, it took far too long to get the painting team to put down their rollers and enjoy some food. We will return soon to finish off the painting and get through some additional tasks, don't you worry about that TEAM.
A quick photo and suddenly it was dark and time to get back to our start location. It's time to get your lamps ready........
Head or body they all work well, but they will most certainly be needed over the next few months so have a look online as we all need to stay safe with our exercise.
The Mindfulness and Well-Being Centre for South Wales is a compassion-based mindfulness training centre in Wales. They have been operating as a charitable company since 2006. Their large, fully-equipped premises offers complete range of on-site holistic therapies and conference services. They offer mindfulness classes, meditation retreats and well-being services to the people of Wales and the rest of the UK. They are a centre mainly staffed by volunteers and rely on the goodwill and generosity of volunteers to run our mindfulness and well-being activities.
See moreCardiff
A mass participation river cleanup