Wednesday 16th October 2019
Report written by Brahma Pochee
With a sky awash in peachy pink hues, dancing off sweeping curves of futuristic arenas, it could only be Wednesday evening.
Back to business with 23 of us on the night, with sleeves already rolled up and chatter humming through the mild night air. We welcomed Jasmine to the fold for her first outing, Ros on her third, Chris on his second (albeit i'm doing this retrospectively), Cory back from a hiatus and Kev and Sharon returned from a tough few weeks in the midlands.
After doffing our proverbial caps to Mary and Rosa for smashing out some lovely lovely 21k's, we bowed over to Hilary, more inspirational efforts on her regular missions, feel free to ask her how to get involved. We forgot to say bravo to Victoria, her speed is returning quicker than it left post-partum, when will she be dipping in under 20mins at a Parkrun again? Soon is my guess (no pressure).
Weekly Question was very much of the random variety, "what's you favourite european city?" with a no repetition rule that no one took seriously. London to Budapest, Rome to Cardiff, Paris to Copenhagen, Stockholm to Belfast...[insert brexit joke here]. This almost became a pop quiz towards the end of the answers as we ran out of cities, maybe this could be a future thought for GGN? Advanced calculus next week.
Over to the awesome Ange and her simply sublime playground, makes you want to roll back the years. We moved an abundance of well, stuff, some let's call miscellaneous, but mostly 2.5 metre by 1 metre heavy iron fencing. As always there's some new fun structure being installed, yes the the massive submarine rescue boat thingy was not enough. So we cleared the way for a half pipe, that's a skate ramp for the uninitiated. As Tim said, and i'm sure you'll agree - "that's gnarly dude". It certainly is.
With some pumped up arms I heard a whimpering cry from your neglected legs, it's a frequency that only Running Coaches can tune into. So we all (enthusiastically) lined up for a 3 set pyramid. 2 x 40s, 2 x 30s, 2 x 20s. Enough running to better your form and top end speed, but not too much to make you hate me, the sweet spot. We all absolutely aced it, with everyone pacing their return journey like pros, there have been times where this was not the case, so nice one for the collective pacing improvements.
That's enough from me, well done for helping out and owning your neighbourhood, in a good way, not like the mafia, that's the bad way. See some of you on Saturday in Bruges, the rest of you have a lovely weekend and smash those Parkruns out of the.....park.
Till next time