Power Rangers

8 Goodgymers helped their local community in Newcastle
Patrick McCombie
Scott McDonald
Chris Wannop
Debbie English
Tanya Johnson
Paul Andrews
Anji Andrews
1 / 10

Saturday 30th November 2024

Tanya Johnson
Tanya Johnson


Anji Andrews
Anji Andrews




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Report written by Anji Andrews (she/her)

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A very different sort of task for us today as we learned the skills needed to operate some powerful pieces of equipment for future tasks. Excellent Urban Green Newcastle ranger Isaac put us through our paces today to help us to understand using hedge cutters, large leaf blowers and strimmers, so that in future UGN park tasks we can help to do more. This was a really informative session with lots to learn that will really help us to make the most of our time in Newcastle green spaces in the coming months. Thank you UGN!

A big welcome to Patrick who joined us for the first time today, we really hope to see you back to help us make a difference again soon.

This task supported
Urban Green Newcastle
Breathing life into our parks and allotments

There’s a greener side to our city. A vibrant, more open side. It should be celebrated, Nurtured, Enjoyed by everyone. Our allotments and parks are the lungs of our city. We’re here to breathe new life into them. We are Urban Green Newcastle.

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Paula (She/her)

Sat 30th Nov 2024 at 1:37pm

Looks great fun!

Join us on our next session


Support Urban Green Newcastle with their Miniature Forest in Harbottle Park
🗓Tomorrow 10:00am

Increase woodland areas for wildlife and community to enjoy

3 GoodGymers are going