Saturday 19th October 2024
Report written by Kash
On Saturday morning, three GoodGymers braved the rain and ran from the East or cycled from the West along the muddy Grand Union Canal towpath to Western Road in Southall. The first task allowed them to hide in a warm polytunnel, the same one they had been involved in putting up. Directed by Janpal, GoodGymers Steph, Sevan and Kash dug out and wheelbarrowed the last season plants to a new compost pile, where Paul and Katie were building wooden fencing. The polytunnel team was joined by the one and only Andre and quickly cleared the space, leaving behind only the chilli and gourd plants that Janpal wanted to keep.
Janpal had to leave earlier, but he made sure everyone's journey to Western Road was worth it - he brought fresh, warm samosas and a jug of hot water to make tea. To deserve that kind of a treat the team in red-shirts demanded another task. Paul led them to Mr Bhasin's place where a huge pile of chunky logs awaited. With a small fleet of trolleys and wheelbarrows, the GoodGymers and Andre transported the wooden beasts back to Western Road. On the way, they met Ash, who joined them shortly with extra muscle and an extra trolley capable of carrying more pieces of wood than other vessels. The sight of timber on wheels, caused some of the members of the public to drop their jaws. One man even drove into a lamppost while reversing. The GoodGymers didn't see the mishap, but rumours were that it was because of the stunning looks of Ash and Andre!
The transportation task was paused for a while due to the visit of MP Deirdre Costigan and Councillor Paul Driscoll to Western Road. Both praised the Southall community and GoodGym for their hard work on sites such as WRUG.
When all Mr Bhasin's logs landed at their new home next to the Western Road polytunnel, it was time to relax and finally, feast on the spicy samosas that fortunately hadn't all disappeared yet. The pastries were quite big, so everyone who had two didn't leave Western Road hungry.
Ash told us about more timber that needed to be relocated to the WRUG site, so we may have another task at Western Road coming up. Watch this space!
Supporting disadvantaged community organisations in Southall and developing local community cohesion work, empowering and informing residents and community groups about local issues
See moreMon 21st Oct 2024 at 3:01pm
Great work!
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services