You've gotta pick a packet or two

17 Goodgymers helped their local community in Portsmouth
Lucy Booth
Katie Carew-Robinson
Rachel Cutler
Tony Hewett
Jo Kitching
Angela Chick
Maura Cole
Rosie Sayers
Judy Knapp
Maxine VSG
Alex Murphy
1 / 23

Wednesday 10th July 2019

Katie Carew-Robinson
Katie Carew-Robinson


Angela Chick
Angela Chick


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Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)

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On another beautiful summer's evening we gathered together to head off to Great Salterns for a litter pick. Sarah decided that tonight would be a good night to wear shorts from that team down the road - she was lucky not to be lynched (ha ha)!

Other than that social faux pas, there was a celebratory air as we had 3 runners achieving milestones - tonight was my 100th good deed and both Rachel and Maura managed to get to 50 good deeds over the weekend. Maura got to wear the cap this week as hers was registered first, Rachel gets to be the epitome of style next week!

We welcomed Alex back for her second run, hope your legs aren't too achy this week! We were also glad to see that John had taken on board Maura's top tip from a couple of week's ago and he had remembered to put his lip gloss in his zip up pocket!

After a game of stuck in the dance (thanks to Ben from Cardiff for that gem!) we headed off for our litter pick. Once at the industrial estate the opportunity for a McPee couldn't be missed.... We then split into 4 teams to clean various parts of Great Salterns and along Burrfields Road where people like to throw rubbish out of their cars - including pants!! Why do we always find pants? There was a KFC cap and suitcase included in our haul tonight as well as a toy car (the first thing we found). We also noticed a lot of blackberries on the bushes and Vicki came up with the great idea of a GoodGym foraging night followed by a bake off style get together where we all cook something using our foraged food... Watch the website for a date for that one!

After we'd filled 4 big bags with litter and 3 trugs with recycling we had a relay style fitness session on the field then took Toni down some paths she'd never seen before as we headed back to Fratton, dropping the recycling in Judy's green bin along the way.

On the run home we decided that our run on 31st July should also include a long overdue curry get together as a celebration of all the new T-shirts in recent months and also to carb load Louisa before she heads off to Malaysia to represent Team UK in the World Tchoukball Championships!

In other news, we are still looking for volunteers to help out on Saturday 20th July with either the Baffins Fun Day set up or the pack up or both! Don't let Angela do it all on her own :(

Next week we're off to sort donations at Naomi House, always a fun task, a short run with a walking option too - see you then!

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Nore Barn Woods conservation
🗓Tomorrow 9:30am

Look after this precious woodland

Judy Knapp
One GoodGymer is going