Wednesday 6th March 2019
Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)
A warm welcome to John, Vicki and Rosy who attended GoodGym for the first time! Hope to see you guys again soon.
At the other end of the scale, Mel completed her 50th good deed, so got to wear the crazy cap! We look forward to her modeling her new black t-shirt soon.
We started the evening with a quick talk from Beth from Parkletics telling us about the new equipment in the park and how she would like to see it well used. I'm on the training tomorrow so if anyone wants to learn more about how to use it or become a trainer as well, let me know!
We warmed up with a quick game of domes and dishes which got quite competitive - I'm not sure whether it was cheating or strategy that meant the dishes team won 11-9. Close!
Breezy does it
Then it was off to the Deaf Centre to help move chairs from the mezzanine to outside for breaking and stacking. Tony picked up a breeze block and used that to break the cushions off the chairs and Adam found his inner karate kid by kicking off the cushions. A good way to take out the day's frustrations! Tracey, Laura, John and Vicki were put to work cleaning the kitchen which was left sparkling and in the final task the orange chairs were taken up to the mezzanine floor, taking up the space that had been cleared. We used the stage space to pose for our #balanceforbetter photo for international women's day on Friday.
After all that, it was still quite early so we went down to Canal walk to do some partner resistance work (cue lots of laughing), got our squats done for the squat challenge and split into walkers, runners and loop runners to all meet back at the community centre for some post-run stretches.
Nice work by all - see you next week for another installment!