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19 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
David Barrett
Laura Barrett
Andy Richardson
Steve Rice
Vicky Hearson
Abi Perrin
Ben Dove
Jenna Drury
Nicky Woodall
Ed Woollard
Carl Wain
Paul Anderson
Michal Czekajlo
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Monday 27th September 2021

Laura Barrett
Laura Barrett


Vicky Hearson
Vicky Hearson


Michal Czekajlo
Michal Czekajlo




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Report written by Michal Czekajlo

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Today we welcomed out new Area Activator Nicky. Welcome to the Team Nicky!

The task location was about 3km away from the base and those of us who preferred to run at an easier pace left a bit earlier. The rest of us spent good few minutes warming up before going to the first dark task of the season. We caught up with the team who left a bit earlier about 1/3 of the distance away from the park and ran rest of the distance together.

Once we reached the park we found Kristina from the Council who already had all gardening tools laid out and ready for us.

We were assigned to two tasks, namely edging and weeding rose beds and building a dead hedge + compost bin tidy up.

The rose garden team had a nice time chatting about the next running challenge, cooking for friends and other things while working around the flowers. They were even thanked several times by a passer by who was very grateful for what we do.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the park Ed, Mitch and Craig utilized their construction skills to extend the dead hedge to fill the gap between the existing dead hedge and the living hedge. The rest of the team were tasked with materials supply and general trim and tidy up around the compost container duties. It was getting dark, however we came prepared and switched one of our portable lights on to illuminate the construction work area.

After just over 30 minutes of what today was a relatively light work we cleared the rose beds, built a dead hedge, tidied up the compost bin and were ready for the fitness session. The fitness bit started with star jumps, then burpees, then the Superman pose before moving to nearby steps for a run up and down the stairs. It was getting darker every minute and with no lights in the park and only about half of us wielding head torches it was time to finish off with few mountain climbers, basketballer squats, dive bomber pushups and quick feet before heading back to base.

Back at York CVS we had a nice stretch and chatted about forthcoming missions and other things before either going home, or Ackhorne for a cold drink.

This task supported
Environment and Community team
The Environment and Community team work with individual, business and community group volunteers to improve public parks and open spaces

Enhances council owned public parks and open spaces through gardening and other tasks.

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Helping Treemendous maintain trees (& optional parkrun)
🗓Tomorrow 9:45am

Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)

James TilburnNicky WoodallCara OrganJames Sandie
5 GoodGymers are going