Sneinton primary school allotment clearing

Part of the allotment is overgrown and needs clearing
Sneinton c of e school has a community allotment for children and the community to learn about and grow fruit, veg and flowers.

15 GoodGymers have supported Sneinton primary school allotment clearing with 6 tasks.

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Helping out at Sneinton Primary School Community Allotment

Sunday 22nd September 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm

Helping out at Sneinton Primary School Community Allotment

Sunday 13th October 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm

Previous sessions
NottinghamCommunity mission
Rachel LevickHavaJules

Hitting a milestone - 100 good deeds!

Sunday 1st September

Written by Rachel Levick

Writing this report fell to me so, in a break from the norm, I am writing in the first person as it would be very weird to write the report for my own 100th task as if I wasn't there!! :)

So, I just completed my 100th GoodGym task - hurrah to me! Rather fittingly this took place at Sneinton Primary School allotment which is one of my favourite locations for a GoodGym session in Nottingham. I was joined by Jules and we were hosted by the amazing Kathryn who has fingers in many green/community pies in the Nottingham area (she is also one of the most cheerful people I've ever met!).

On arrival, Kathryn explained that the allotment needed a bit of TLC after the school summer break. The weather and the fact that it couldn't be tended to as regularly during the holidays had caused nature to take over a little and it all needed a bit of clearing and tidying. I was perfectly happy with this as clearing weeds and brambles is one of the most satisfying tasks in my opinion!

We decided to concentrate on the sheltered area and set to work pulling up all the bindweed and ivy that had been winding its way around every shelf, table and tool that was being stored in the area. We also tackled some nettles which had started to take over, gaining a few stings in the process.

The hour passed quickly and not only had we built up a good sweat, but the shelter looked much clearer and weed-free, making it a perfect GoodGym outcome. As is obligatory, we took a few photos at the end and Kathryn very kindly drew me a 100 sign as we don't have any capes or flags in GoodGym Nottingham yet - we'll get onto this for any future milestones.

I am very happy to have finally reached my 100th GoodGym good deed having gained my black t-shirt (50) way back in June 2017! A move from London to Nottingham (where GoodGym did not exist until 2023), the pandemic and a baby later, I have finally hit my century.

I was asked yesterday whether I have any favourite or memorable tasks... This is really difficult as they have all been loads of fun. A few that stick in my mind are:

  1. My first session with GoodGym Croydon in May 2016. Firstly it was special as it was the start of my life as a GoodGym-er, but also GoodGym founder Ivo came along to this one. I thought maybe this just happened at every session, but I actually think it was because it was only Croydon's second or third week so he had come along to support. Even though, it was kind of cool to meet him at my first task.

  2. An incredibly satisfying mission helping an elderly gentlemen clear his overgrown garden on his return from a stay in hospital. He was so lovely and it really felt like we were making a difference to his life. The report name '(What's the Story) Thorning Glory?' may also be one of my best.

  3. Volunteering at Night of the 10k PBs - always an absolute blast. Slightly stressful managing the crowds on the track, but a lot of fun and a truly unique experience.

  4. One mission where we helped tidy a lady's back garden in the torrential rain. She didn't think we would even turn up, let alone plough on in the wet, but we kept going, got very wet and had a great time (I think the fact I only lived around the corner made the getting wet bit a little less hassle).

  5. The Dino Dash in Crystal Palace a heatwave. This race sticks in my mind as it was HOT. It was a team relay event so we got to run as a GoodGym Croydon team doing laps of the park, avoiding the large inflatable dinosaur. At the end, someone unexpectedly busted out a cool box full of ice pops. It was a simple gesture but totally made my evening!

  6. My first GoodGym Nottingham session in July 2023 - after a 6-year gap (aside from a couple of random tourist tasks in Derby and York) I LOVED attending my first session in Nottingham. It was just like old times and was so nice to be once again meeting like-minded people and helping out in the local community. The task was at the Meadows Foodbank which has become one of our regular locations now.

I could go on. Every task is fun and I look forward to my next milestone in 400 tasks' time. Even more though I look forward to celebrating the milestones of all the other GoodGym Nottingham members over the coming weeks and months!!

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Natalie CooperDom Hawkins
Sophie PenningtonRobert Hunt

Proper Minted!

Sunday 19th May

Written by Nottingham runner

Our final task of a jam-packed weekend was back at Sneinton Primary's allotment.

Natalie got straight to work mowing the whole area to keep it neat and tidy for the kids to get around. Meanwhile, Robert, Leah and another new GoodGymer, Sophie (thanks for joining us!), cleared a patch of nettles, brambles and grasses to create a herb garden, bordered with some of the bricks we had recovered on a previous task.

Smallest GoodGymers Carys and Milo helped Kathryn and her children water all the plants to help them through the lovely sunny period we've been having. They also got to help plant some of Kathryn's huge variety of mints in the new herb garden (and enjoy a delicious home-baked cookie at the end).

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Rachel WatsonHannahAndrew TaylorOliver ThompsonNigel RowdenTom Oliver

Frogs and logs (and thankfully no bogs)!

Sunday 14th April

Written by Nottingham runner

A motley crew of GoodGymers headed over to the Sneinton Primary School allotment for another morning of renovations.

Most of the team headed up to the top of the plot where we've previously cleared bushes and bricks and created a dead hedge by weaving bamboo sticks Kathryn had brought along. We then moved loads of dead branches and brambles over to make the "hedge" itself. Hopefully the frogs we saw hopping around will move in over the next few days. Kathryn explained the benefit of this kind of boundary lies in the fact that you've always got somewhere to put trimmings as it slowly rots away, and that it creates a habitat for wildlife.

While this was going on, Rachel weeded some of the children's flowerbeds and Tom pulled out some very deeply rooted brambles. Oliver did some strimming and Natalie got heartily stuck in to moving bricks around to create some borders around the fruit trees.

Some of the team even decided to stay on a bit past 12 to finish the job!

Thanks again to all who came, as Kathryn said, "you guys are legends"! Apologies that I forgot to grab the group pic from Kathryn, I'll upload it once I get it!

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Rachel Levick
Rachel WatsonNatalie CooperNinaEmma Martin

Hold it, flash, bang, wallop, what a brick-ture!

Sunday 18th February

Written by Rachel Levick

Four Nottingham GoodGymers returned to the Sneinton Primary School Community Allotment on Sunday. On arrival, Kathryn explained that our latest task was to move some bricks that had been piled and dumped at the back of the allotment into a more orderly pile in the middle. Leah, Emma and Rachel L set to work on this. We were helped by Kathryn’s 5-year old daughter, Ava, who did a super job and enjoyed uncovering the hundreds of bugs and insects that had been living under the bricks.

Meanwhile, Rachel W and Kathryn worked on clearing another area at the back of the allotment. They managed to get through so much that at one point we lost them into the neighbouring plot!

Before downing tools, we had time for a quick litter pick of the outside path and a photo by our brick pile to finish off another great hour at the allotment. The sun even made an appearance which made us all feel very spring-like and glad that the early morning rain had not tempted us to cancel.

We were delighted to welcome Emma to her first GoodGym task – hope to see you again soon!

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Rebecca FurlongOliver ThompsonMark GilyeadSerafina RowdenNigel RowdenRobert Hunt

Having a ball at the allotment

Sunday 14th January

Written by Rachel Levick

For our first task of 2024, 11 GoodGymers made their way back to Sneinton Primary School Community Allotment on a chilly but sunny morning in Nottingham. The ever-cheerful Kathryn met us and set us to work on various tasks around the allotment.

Natalie, Rebecca F, Rebecca N and Oliver took on the overgrowth and brambles at the back of the garden, unearthing quite a few balls which had found their way in from the neighbouring school (much fun was had throwing these back!). Meanwhile Nigel and Rachel W did a sterling job digging for soil and filling one of the empty beds. Mark helped Kathryn reposition some of the wooden posts in the decking area before also tackling the brambles, and Serafina and Rachel L worked on weeding the beds and vegetable patches. Last, but by no means least, Leah and Rob took on litter picking in the hedges on the path outside the allotment, aided by our miniest GoodGym members, Carys and Milo who did a great job on their first task.

After a very productive hour, we downed tools and had some of Kathryn’s homemade treats – the Christmas pudding brownie was a revelation!

We were delighted to see Natalie, Rebecca, Oliver and Robert at their first GoodGym task. We also welcomed Mark and Rebecca who were visiting us from London where they are involved in GoodGym. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

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NottinghamCommunity mission
Rachel LevickRachel Watson

Sunday fun at the allotment (with cake!)

Sunday 19th November 2023

Written by Rachel Levick

The rain held off for Sunday’s task which saw two of us head to Sneinton Primary School’s Community Allotment. We met Kathryn on arrival and helped her move some tools and equipment from the road up to the allotment. We then set to work clearing an area at the back of the garden, removing brambles and ivy. The idea is that this area will eventually be a bug house where the children can view creepy crawlies.

After an hour we downed tools and were treated to a bit of chocolate cake curtesy of Kathryn!

The allotment is a lovely peaceful space and we had a view of the Greens Windmill and Science Centre which is right next door. Kathryn and some of the other parents have big plans to develop the allotment further and we hope to visit again to help out in the near future.

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