The Rose Road Association

Supporting disabled children and young people

9 GoodGymers have supported The Rose Road Association with 2 tasks.

Top supporters
Abby (she/her)
Ellie (She/her)
Southampton runner

Upcoming sessions
Keep Rose Road even rosier!

Monday 7th October 2024 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Previous sessions
SouthamptonCommunity mission
EllieAbbyKathrynChris C

Take time to smell the roses…

Monday 16th September

Written by Ellie (She/her)

Or in this case the vintage toilet water! Another evening of uncovering hidden treasures while sorting the donations for Rose Road’s pop up charity shop in October. From vintage perfumes to magical heat packs (or magiral heat packs?!) to mix tapes (CDs) to giant pipe cleaners to knitted cardigans of every size. We sorted it all. We hope Rose Road raise lots of money at their sale next month. We wouldn’t be surprised if some GoodGymers sneak back to purchase some bargain “Tweed”!

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SouthamptonCommunity mission
EllieLaurenAbbyYanSarah RitchieKathryn

You’re the head to my body!

Monday 15th July

Written by Ellie (She/her)

On a very rainy July evening we were thrilled to find out we would have an indoor task at Rose Road! We welcomed our newest GoodGymer Kathryn who will hope to see back soon. It was another trip to the loft, this time sorting in the fundraising area. There were lots of donations to organise and sort. Some of our favourites were the large and lifelike doll collection (we might not sleep tonight!), a brand new toilet brush, and a sequin apron. We managed to fill quite a few bags of rubbish with broken things and out of date products. Now the fundraisers will be able to see the wood for the trees…or in this case the books, mugs, ornaments, dolls, games, jewellery and clothes!

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