What the bleep was that?!

29 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
Catherine Love
Paul Anderson
Carl Wain
Bev Aghahoseini
Melissa Jordan
Becky Moylett
Aidan Kettle
Stefan Durkin
Ellie Dove
Nicola Gover
Tim Mckenzie
John Bourton
Jo Moylett
Christine Cockett
Jenna Drury
Lisa Flesher
Helen English
Removed User
Thomas Stumpp
Adam Minnich
1 / 10

Monday 26th March 2018

York runner


York runner



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Report written by York runner

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A solid crew of 29 GG Yorkies ran to Heworth Holme to continue building the footpath!

We welcomed along one brand new runner to the gang this evening, so give your best cheers to Huanqi!

Also big cheers to Stef, Becky and Lizzie for running the Colchester Half Marathon yesterday; the first event of the BIG SIX this year.

It is always a very special night when the clocks go forward and we have our wonderful, light, long evenings back. For some of our newer runners, this was the first ever time they've been able to see what they were doing with their spades!

That pile of limestone at the end of Heworth Holme never seems to get any smaller, so we set one team off filling wheelbarrows whist another team headed further down to carry on extending the path by digging out the space to lay border planks, as well as banging in stakes.

Bev was on fire; fresh from her first ever 10 mile run at the weekend, she was storming around with her wheelbarrow in a very energetic manner. Lucy had taken on safety duty and was helping everyone get over the ledge and down the slope with their heavily laden barrows.

With 30 minutes up and another chunk of path constructed, our work for the evening was done. We ran back via Glen Gardens for a special treat...

It's time for the bleep test!!

The start of summer is a great time to test where you're at fitness-wise. Ellie and I set ourselves as the end markers and did a series of beautifully choreographed movements whilst the rest of the gang pushed themselves to their limits.

Gradually, more runners dropped off and joined our cheering line to see who could hang on the longest. Strong showings from Tim, Max and Mitchell but it was Jenna and Paul who were the last woman and man standing.

It's nice to turn those horrid school memories back into a positive experience!

Two of the Glen Gardens volunteers had been locking up whilst we were running and asked if we could padlock the last gate when we left, since they kindly let us stay in the park for five minutes after closing. However, as we tried to leave, we were almost certain they had completely locked us in. Every gate appeared to be padlocked shut.

Luckily, Tim found one open gate over by the tennis courts and waved us all over, but not before Max had starting scaling the gate to make a hasty escape and leading a mutiny with him!

Remember we have a starter session this Thursday which is open to all abilities. Sign up and tell your friends!

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York runner

Tue 27th Mar 2018 at 9:09am

Hey, it was Nikki wot started the gate-scaling mutiny! I won't deny egging her on though. :-)

Join us on our next session


Helping Treemendous maintain trees (& optional parkrun)
🗓Tomorrow 9:45am

Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)

James TilburnNicky WoodallCara OrganJames Sandie
5 GoodGymers are going