Raindrops on noses and cobwebs in wood shacks

21 Goodgymers helped their local community in Oxford
Venetia Lipscombe
Suzy Bott
Fred Collman
Laurie Wilkinson
Henry Gibson
Laura Candy
Chris B
Ben Gremson
Freya Turner
Louise Hall
Ben Foster
Matt Burton
Vicky Arnold
Sarah McFadden
Bethan Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway
Ellie Evans
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Wednesday 10th May 2023

Vicky Arnold
Vicky Arnold


Anwen Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway



Ellie Evans
Ellie Evans


Find out about GoodGym TaskForce

Report written by Anwen Greenaway

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♪ Just a sprinkle of rain can't stop us now ♪
♪ We're off to a nature park, no need to frown ♪
♪ We'll pick up litter and clear the grass ♪
♪ Nothing can dampen our spirits, it'll be a blast ♪

♪ The rain is falling, but we don't mind ♪
♪ We'll put on our raincoats, we're one of a kind ♪
♪ We'll gather together, our bags and gloves in tow ♪
♪ And head out to Boundary Brook, let's go, let's go! ♪

♪ The rain is pouring, the wind is strong ♪
♪ But we keep moving, all evening long ♪
♪ We pick up litter, glass, and metal too ♪
♪ We're making a difference, and that's what we'll do ♪

♪ The grass is long, but we don't fret ♪
♪ We grab our tools, and work up a sweat ♪
♪ We clear the pond area, revealing hidden gems ♪
♪ And keep going strong, until the session's end ♪

♪ The rain keeps falling, but we don't stop ♪
♪ We're determined, until the very last drop ♪
♪ And with every bag filled, we feel a sense of pride ♪
♪ Knowing that we're helping the environment to thrive ♪

♪ We finish the session with a sense of accomplishment ♪
♪ Feeling like we've made a positive development ♪
♪ We take a moment to appreciate the beauty around ♪
♪ And vow to continue our efforts to keep it sound ♪

This task supported
Oxford Urban Wildlife Group
OUWG maintains the diverse wildlife habitats at Boundary Brook Nature Park

Environment conservation, habitat restoration and management, wildlife gardening and wetland habitat management, community engagement, nature education.

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River litter pick with OxClean
🗓Saturday 10:00am

Shaping a cleaner city

Adam ParkerMeganAxelleDanielCassy Fiford
13 GoodGymers are going - 12 spaces left! 👀