Saturday 30th March 2024
Report written by Judy Knapp
Without fail, we get thank-yous from passers-by when we're working in the North End street garden, and today was just the same. Astonishment that we do this as volunteers and gratitude that we keep this busy corner looking lovely.
The street garden looks particularly lush on a sunny Spring day.
The well-established shrubs are filling out; the crab apple tree enjoyed the hard prune given by Abby last autumn and is full of blossom; the rosemary is covered in purple blooms; the camomile lawn is spreading its scent; and the grape hyacinths have hybridised into huge blooms!
We nestled the donated plants into their new locations, pruned the hebes and litter picked the beds and around the bench.
A GoodGym good deed with a feelgood factor!