Monday 25th March 2019
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by York runner
GoodGym has partnered with WWF this week to #runforyourworld and LOADS of GG Yorkies turned out to make it happen!
With another two-task week, we set off to Foxwood and Clifton Backies to tackle two tasks, both to improve local spaces for the community.
Before we started, we gave a huge cheer to Huw who has a mammoth weekend of running (and treat-eating) completing the Cake-a-thon and choc-a-thon double, squaring away around 72km in the process, wow! Not only that but Stef run a cracking time at the Coventry Half, Craig scored a new 5k PB at Victoria Dock parkrun and Mel boshed a 10km PB and also ran the furthest she'd ever run in one day, phew! What a weekend.
I led one group (carefully back-marked by Becky and marshalled by Christine and Ellie B!) across Hob Moor to Foxwood, where our task was to reclaim the edges of the tarmac path. Armed with moon-spades, regular spades and one very tiny broom, we made quick progress clearing back encroaching grass.
Nick led the other group (back-marked by Leanne) to Clifton Backies to reclaim the car park, which was very overgrown and full of debris.
We also ALL completed the amazing EARTH HOUR workout, which comprised:
Hopping on one leg
Hopping on the other leg
One minute plank
Upside down plank
Rebound squat jumps
Leanne who is usually a stickler for the rules, got all rebellious and did a reverse plank instead of the lesser-known upside down plank, but boss Nick let her off. There wasn't much rebellion in my group but there were some amazing acrobatics including handstands and cartwheels!
We try to help manage the site as a nature reserve while improving access to the area for local people and visitors.
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